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From the original RX10 to the some questions about the settings (and some 'typical' results)

Ab S

Active Member
As long as the DPReview forum is operational I still post there and copy to here, until the it really shuts down. Let me first express my respect and many thanks to the founders of the DPRFORUM for setting up the new forum to give all the folks of DPReview a new home!!

Here is the link with my questions and results on DPReview

Please, If you read this post here, please also reply (if you like) here on DPRF.

Many thanks and with kind regards,



Well, at last I decided the buy the RX10iv; you never know if Sony will (suddenly) stop production.

Before asking my questions, let me first give my first impression:

Optics: The optics in the overlapping range 24-200 mm equiv f/2.4 - f/4.0) is better than my original RX10. It is sharp from edge to edge. At the range 200 - approx 450 it is still quite sharp and also the edges are still quite okay (all at wide open, i.e. f/4.0). The last mile form 450 - 600 mm equivalent, the left side and the center are quite okay, but the right 1/3 is soft at f/4.0, which improves at f/5.6. Actually, what I noticed is that the focus plane at this 1/3 of the frame is that the focus plane is a bit shifting to the front (which also explains the improvement when stopping down one stop). All displayed at my 32"4K screen viewed at 100%. All images processed in DxO PL6 Elite.

Autofocus: Where AF continuous was unusable at the original RX10 the iv impresses!

Now my questions I hope you can help me out; and I apologize that I did not succeed the find the answers on the forum (the answer to many other questions I had I could find on the forum, in particular from Tom/tbcass!).

Autofocus (Screen 5 of 14 Autofocus area)

  • Tracking in Lock-on AF modes : When I use Flexible Spot (no matter S, M, L) and you point the camera to a subject the PDAF points are searching for the subject and can be off quite a bit. Is there a way to direct the PDAF points on (on the subject to be tracked)?
  • Non-tracking modes (1): I don't see the PDAF points, also not in Cont-AF. Is that normal (I mean is PDAF active)?
  • Non-tracking modes (2): When I choose in the menus Camera settings-1 e.g. "Flexible Spot M" with the mode dial on (e.g.) A; as soon as I switch the mode dial to e.g. S and back to A again I don't get the flexible spot but in stead the center AF spot. Is there a way to keep Flexible Spot as a default in all modes (A, S, M)?

  • Custom keys (C1-C3): I found these (surprisingly) different from the C1,C2 keys on the original RX10 (Fn menu is about the same as the original RX10). They are clear to me except one thing: Under C3 I chose Camera1/Camera2 memory. When I press C3 I see all memories 1-3 and M1-M4, but whatever memory I select it comes back with the default setting I programmed in Camera1/Camera2. What am I doing wrong? Note that using the mode dial on MR I get all the three different settings I programmed in the three memories (as expected), so it is no big deal, but I would like to understand.

Some 'typical' pictures of the first few days RX10iv







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tbcass wrote:
Ab S wrote:
Well, at last I decided the buy the RX10iv; you never know if Sony will (suddenly) stop production.
Before asking my questions, let me first give my first impression:
Optics: The optics in the overlapping range 24-200 mm equiv f/2.4 - f/4.0) is better than my original RX10. It is sharp from edge to edge. At the range 200 - approx 450 it is still quite sharp and also the edges are still quite okay (all at wide open, i.e. f/4.0). The last mile form 450 - 600 mm equivalent, the left side and the center are quite okay, but the right 1/3 is soft at f/4.0, which improves at f/5.6. Actually, what I noticed is that the focus plane at this 1/3 of the frame is that the focus plane is a bit shifting to the front (which also explains the improvement when stopping down one stop). All displayed at my 32"4K screen viewed at 100%. All images processed in DxO PL6 Elite.
Autofocus: Where AF continuous was unusable at the original RX10 the iv impresses!
Now my questions I hope you can help me out; and I apologize that I did not succeed the find the answers on the forum (the answer to many other questions I had I could find on the forum, in particular from Tom/tbcass!).
Autofocus (Screen 5 of 14 Autofocus area)
  • Tracking in Lock-on AF modes : When I use Flexible Spot (no matter S, M, L) and you point the camera to a subject the PDAF points are searching for the subject and can be off quite a bit. Is there a way to direct the PDAF points on (on the subject to be tracked)?
I use lock-on expand flexible spot S and it works very well. It's the AF mode I use 100% of the time for everything.
Thanks Tom and Maxmolly7 for your advices. Still left with some questions.

Shall we continue on the DPRforum? (see link below):



Tom, problem is: when I select (expand) flexible spot using e.g. the Fn key while e.g. in A(aperture priority) mode it indeed displays the flexible spot, but as soon I turn the mode dial to another mode e.g. S(shutter priority) the flexible spot is lost and it displays just center. So how do I keep flexible spot more permanently as AF mode, instead of center? For tracking I use the MR where I have lock-on AF flexible spot programmed.

Thanks Ab