I have just registered and have been exploring the site to find my way around. I am from DPReview Forums 
I notice in the post editor I can toggle BBCODE on and off from the toolbar. I would mostly use BBcode to customise posts with images to look like something as shown below. To me it's much more user friendly when there are multiple images in a post if I can set the display size and lay them out side by side rather than vertically.
That is easily done using BBcode using the tag but you need the url to the uploaded image which inserting an image through the normal process does not show. I cannot find how to see the url for the image below if I wanted to customise how it is displayed using the "img" tag in BBcode.
In my experience forums implement BBcode ranging from not at all to various degrees of functionality.
For the "img" tag to display the image you need to add the uploaded image's url to the "img" tag. For example
To what extent is BBcode implemented on these forums and specifically is the "img" tag and its "style" attribute (used to size and position the image) enabled?
I notice in the post editor I can toggle BBCODE on and off from the toolbar. I would mostly use BBcode to customise posts with images to look like something as shown below. To me it's much more user friendly when there are multiple images in a post if I can set the display size and lay them out side by side rather than vertically.
That is easily done using BBcode using the tag but you need the url to the uploaded image which inserting an image through the normal process does not show. I cannot find how to see the url for the image below if I wanted to customise how it is displayed using the "img" tag in BBcode.
In my experience forums implement BBcode ranging from not at all to various degrees of functionality.
For the "img" tag to display the image you need to add the uploaded image's url to the "img" tag. For example
To what extent is BBcode implemented on these forums and specifically is the "img" tag and its "style" attribute (used to size and position the image) enabled?
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