Hi again Marc,
"Another piece of info shows the advancement of the digital onslaught: Kodak has evidently now solved the full frame issue using smaller lens mounts."
Solved is a relative (and rather amorphous) term. Some solutions are better or worse than others. It's a matter of whether you can work with/accept the disadvantages of a particular solution that "solve" it for you, and that doesn't mean it's "solved" for others.
Because there is a "solution" that works for some, that doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist, and that the "solutions" are the same as not having to find a "solution" at all.
Digital is a funny thing. This is a general statement about these types of discussions that I've seen over the years, not directed directly at you, Marc. It has simply amazed me that people who have fussed for years about this and that seeking the highest quality of images on film (Leica and Contax), now accept what is clearly a lower fidelity image with digital, and especially with WA lenses... Something is very strange about this, and I've yet to be able to understand it. Obviously, it isn't logical. It's like people "will" digital into being "better"...
"Another piece of info shows the advancement of the digital onslaught: Kodak has evidently now solved the full frame issue using smaller lens mounts."
Solved is a relative (and rather amorphous) term. Some solutions are better or worse than others. It's a matter of whether you can work with/accept the disadvantages of a particular solution that "solve" it for you, and that doesn't mean it's "solved" for others.
Because there is a "solution" that works for some, that doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist, and that the "solutions" are the same as not having to find a "solution" at all.
Digital is a funny thing. This is a general statement about these types of discussions that I've seen over the years, not directed directly at you, Marc. It has simply amazed me that people who have fussed for years about this and that seeking the highest quality of images on film (Leica and Contax), now accept what is clearly a lower fidelity image with digital, and especially with WA lenses... Something is very strange about this, and I've yet to be able to understand it. Obviously, it isn't logical. It's like people "will" digital into being "better"...