From what I gather there are two different things in discussion here:
1. digital vs. film and the future of digital contax cameras (contax is slowly moving into the digital realm and currently sells two p/s digicams and the 645)
2. contax's af N system and it's future (as a system, which inevitably includes going digital down the line)
I guess nr.2 was the initial question of this thread and probably the most important and so I'll add a few more thoughts on the subject...
Although Leica and Contax apparently feed the same niche, I tend to think that people will generally go for the Leica if they want a status symbol and to Contax if they like to take pictures.
There might be some blind brand followers here as well as some techno oriented equipment buffs/addicts (poor things) but I feel that the first ones will quickly give up supporting a "losing" team and the last will rapidly be disapointed with the rythm at which Contax releases new stuff - and very often this stuff is low tech (you should read that it lacks bells and whistles).
So let's move on to the N system... Looking at the C/Y system, Contax developed a huge lens lineup with lots of primes (small/medium speed lenses and fast ones) of supreme built and image quality, most accessories one would ever need and strong, well designed and built bodies with great bright and big viewfinders (delightfull manual focusing), accurate metering and some customising.
Ok there are a few cons but with any Contax camera you get a fine tool.
You can do studio or street or landscape with these cameras and get great results...
Next comes the N system... As Canon and Minolta, Contax made the move to AF and that meant the start of a new mount and it would be logical that after the initial rumble Contax users would move to the 'N'ew system...
but in the end what happened is that the new system never became a system: after starting off with a few zooms, Contax launch a facade statement million dollar lens and went to sleep.
and now what? this seems to be the question most of us would want answered. is it a screw up?
as for the digital N, some of us need it (not me, at least right now - I want an N system first) and some dont. with the advent of digital photography camera manufacturing has reached new heights: nowadays who doesnt have a digicam. million dwell internet forums showing pics of their cats and comparing how well cat hair looks with this or that lens (dam that moire), man has found THE way to becoming even more consumist and everyday he wants a new body with more better pixels. at least film users only need to upgrade their film.
good shooting,
p.s.: leica is suffering as well, but there are still many great photographers shooting with the M and a few also shoot R.