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Lack of Sharpness with 20D



If anyone can assist it would be most helpful. I am feeling very frustrated, I am a wildlife photographer using the canon 600 IS lens for the first time coupled to a 20D at speeds of 1/1600 sec at f6.3 but still my images after processing in Photoshop dissapointingly are not sharp. The camera parameters are set to 1 with a sharpening amount of 3 in Digital Phot Professional (V 1.1).

One additional problem I have failed to resolve, when I open a RAW file for the first time in Digital Photo Professional's main page, only a partial image appears. If I then open in 50,100,or 200 % the image will appear in full view.

I am running windows ME on a 900Mz PC with 500Mb ram. So there should not be a problem.
The initial images from the 20D do often look a bit unsharp. Like all digital cameras, they need sharpening and often some contrast adjustments in post work.

I'd strongly suggest investing in PhotoShop CS, and investigate the addition of some sharpening programs on top of that.

Try visiting www.fredmiranda.com and check out the programs available. Fred's Sharpening Pro allows lots of sharpening to be applied without the halo that usually accompanies normal PS sharpening.

500 meg may not be enough. It sounds like your computer is starved for RAM. It's cheap theses days, so try beefing it up. Bet your issues disappear.
Nice shot Terry.

I had the same problems. Firstly Digital Photo Professional will not display properly with ME, I had to upgrade to XP, it's worth it (it's a lot more stable as well).

Secondly, parameters will only effect jpg's, not RAW files.

Not sure what processing you did in photoshop, but that looks like it needs a slight contrast increase, a bit more colour saturation, and most importantly some 'unsharp mask'.

Got to Filter/Sharpen/Unsharp Mask, and as a start set to 'amount' 50-100%, 'radius' 1 or 2 pixels, you can play around with the settings to get the right level but this should certainly get you going. Nearly all raw images will need USM.

It can be frustrating to see the soft images at first, but you will get used to the post-processing needs. And when you do, for wildlife the 20D is an absolute beauty. Isn't that 1.6x increase useful!
> I have half the speed and memory than you have without the problem you describe with your computer. However, I do have the XP operating system, which is really much better than the Win-98 based system. Perhaps upgrading might be worthwhile. I will note that my computer has two large hard drives totaling 200 gigabytes and when I use photoshop I devote all my memory resources to it.
Dear All,
The problem may be a technical one. I have just spoken with Canon UK who are aware of a front focus promblem associated with the 20D and other digital models when used with specific large lens, such as the 600mm IS.
I have attached a calibration chart taken today using my 600MM IS USM lens in conjunction with my 20D. As you can see everything is sharp from the datum mark towards the lens, but from the far side of the datum mark, everything is out of focus.


I have also spoken to a press guy who using the 1ds MK11 had the same problem. All his lens 300, 400 and 600 IS had to be returned to Canon along with his camera to be recalibrated. The situation was corrected and once the calibration had been made his problems were resolved.
Dear All,
The problem may be a technical one. I have just spoken with Canon UK who are aware of a front focus promblem associated with the 20D and other digital models when used with specific large lens, such as the 600mm IS.
I have attached a calibration chart taken today using my 600MM IS USM lens in conjunction with my 20D. As you can see everything is sharp from the datum mark towards the lens, but from the far side of the datum mark, everything is out of focus.


I have also spoken to a press guy who using the 1ds MK11 had the same problem. All his lens 300, 400 and 600 IS had to be returned to Canon along with his camera to be recalibrated. The situation was corrected and once the calibration had been made his problems were resolved.
Hello friends,

i`ve had the same problems with focus, model 1ds. I sent my objectives to canon, nothing changed. I sent my camera for 6 times to canon and they tried to locate the chip on the right place. After an angry letter and after 11 month they sent me an new camera. Even now I have my problems with focus, but I can manage it .
FWIW, I had a back-focussing problem with my 20D, and it was consistent with the lenses I tested it with i.e. 50mm/2.5 macro, 85mm/1.8 and 135/2.0L. I had my 20D recalibrated at the Irvine Canon Center (in Southern California) and it's focussing accurately now.

You should do the calibration test with different lenses, as it may be that your lens and not your camera that is out of calibration. When sending in your camera to Canon, you should give them not only your camera body but all your lenses as well - so they can check them all ... gratis.

Canon UK Service Centre have asked me to take all my lens plus the 20D to their workshops in Elstree London on Monday. I poined out that I am booked for a photo shoot with the Equipment in Central Poland on Friday.

This means a round trip on just over 600 miles for me from my home in the NW of England. I hope that they can fix the problem, or I am stuffed

It took the Canon Center where I am (Southern California) only a few days to check and re-calibrate my 20D. I doubt if they will check it for you on-the-spot - unless they've told you that they would. Maybe you could try and get a loaner from them - if they can't fix the problem immediately.

I would advise that you test your 20D with your other lenses first, to see if indeed you have a front or back-focussing problem on your 20D, as the problem may well be with your 600mm lens.
