DPR Forum

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DPRF is a spin-off of dpreview. We are a photography forum with people from all over the world freely sharing their knowledge and love of photography. Everybody is welcome, from beginners to the experienced professional. From smartphone to Medium Format.

DPRF is a community for everybody, every brand and every sensor format. Digital and film.
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New Contax G2 Kit Price too good to be true


the content of a forum is derived from interests of the users. So if in this particular thread users have questions about rebates, they of course can discuss it in depth, You can turn off your e-mail notifications for this sub-thread only in your profile.

Secondly we have also a photo gallery and of course everybody is invited to upload their photos there and discuss them with others. Just check it out by clicking in the navigation bar and look around.
Figure out what you could sell one of the lenses for in the used market and see if you will get a better deal that way (enjoying the rebates) than just buying a body.
>I agree totally with Hans. If you want to find out about rebates and so forth, go to the camera store.
No..Hans is wrong. Rebate conversation is entirely appropriate, as is demonstrated by the intensity of interest on the part of all of the decent people participating in this thread.

Hans states: <<But if I like something - like the G system - I'm ready to pay for it's price. >>

Well, congratulations Mr. Rockefeller. For the rest of us, price is a relevant consideration and something worthy of discussing and helping one another out with.

I would like to suggest that Hans and all disciples of Hans absorb the cost of the rebate for the rest of us humble purchasers, so that we may get on with more "relevant" chat.
Hans, I agree with you. Lets focus more on the function of this beautiful system, which is to take photographs.
I don't agree. Why can't we do both. If you want to discuss pictures please go ahead and do so. If there are people interested in discussing the prices or rebates let them do so. Why do you want to curtail something that is entirely relevant and useful for many forum members.