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Nikon Z6, Z7 and a lens roadmap

And here is something for the argument that the competition has now to start to move.

Nikon Z6 with lenses vs. Panasonic Lumix G9 with lenses (click on the image to get a larger image)


Nikon Z6 with lenses vs. Fuji XT2 with lenses


If you think about it, you have almost 3 times the same body size (Fuji XH1 is even bigger), but the sensor size is very different




The Lumix G9 is actually an unfair example. Panasonic made that body so big by purpose. This bigger body is an advantage if you want to use maily long and heavy telezooms or if you wear often gloves.

There is no reason why Panasonic would not be able to offer the same tec in a smaller body. But unfortunately they do not put their best tec in the smaller bodies at the moment.

The advantage of Panasonic and Olympus is, that it is easy for them to offer smaller bodies and lenses, because they have smaller sensors. Especially Panasonic showed already in the past, how small they are able to offer bodies with viewfinders. i.e. with the Lumix GM5:


That is why I believe, that the competition of Nikon has now to try harder. Especially Olympus and Panasonic need to put all efforts on smaller bodies with their best tec and improve their smaller lenses (i.e PL 25/1.4 MkII or a new 25/1.7) and play with this their strenghts.

Fuji will have a tougher time. At the same price level and same size of bodies and lenses, they will have a hard time to win against fullframe. The XE3 is the smallest body with viewfinder they can offer.


But this does change anything on the lens-size-issue at Fuji. Lenses for APS-C sensors are in most cases bigger than for MFT.