Thanks for your comments and for your interest in DAZ3D.
Here's a screenshot of the DAZ desktop
The model is a Genesis 3 one from Adam Thwaites
As you can see I'm using the tool with the bone symbol to adjust her right shin, which can be altered in 4 planes.
Invariably that alters the attitude of the foot and similar comtrols are available to alter the foot and toes.
I always start my figures with the A pose I have found it faster to accomplish than taking an existing pose and altering it.
In this Texture Shaded mode the figure can be worked on quite quickly. In order to Render it the mode has to be the NVIDIA Iray one.
On the right are some of the lighting controls, these are in addition to a set of studio lights that are also in the software.
As with the figure these lights including the daylight one you can see on the right can be oriented in the same ways. Even down to choosing a sun angle by Longitude/Latitude and time anywhere on the planet. The Rendered images can be saved as PNG's with or without a shadow depending on the background they are going into and opened as Layer1 in Ps and Copied and Pasted in the background photograph.
I use the sun inclination and angle of the shadows present in the photograph
Up to this point the steps are fairly straightforward, sometimes I can make a Selection around the figure and paste it underneath, use a Gradient to fill it and then the Transform tools to make it look like a shadow.
Then I bring the two images to 100% and use a Blur tool on the figure to make it look similar to the background.
If all that works out OK I then do some colour matching using Hue/Saturation and Colour Balance.
I might end up with a resonable image, if not I scrap it and start again. Lastly Pinterest is a great source of Ballet poses I use them to try to copy their poses.
Cheers - J
This forum is rapidly degenerating into the
'One Line' phone speak genre that infests all the other photo and many other forums. This will be my last post here.