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Other ways to use the Zeiss 1.5 Sonnar


Well-Known Member
My IIIa is just a little more unreliable than my film processor. Are there options to use a lens like this on a digital camera - Like a NEX ? Thanks
Hi Max,

I use a Nocto (Yokohama Japan, web site in Japanese only) adapter for all my classic Contax lenses on an NEX 7. I understand that Kipon makes an adapter for the 50mm Zeiss lenses to NEX, but I think that a quality adapter is needed for a quality lens.

This would be more of an experiment for me. I really like the way my Sonnar 1.5 feels and would like to see the results on digital - shame to relegate it to film.

Any chance you could post a link for that adapter ?

I tried googling but no luck.
Hi Max,

Tried to post the Google translate link but no go. I suggest yo search for "nocto.jp" then select a translator. On the left side of the main page you will see some thumbnails. Click on the picture of an Olympus with a Contax adapter on it. 3rd from top. On the new page scroll down to the items withno picture shown. The 6th from the top in the left column is the Contax-C to NEX adapter at 52500 Yen. It is currently out of stock, Kipon has a CRF-NEX adapter on e-bay at $185.07. A lot less than the Nocto at $600+. It ma serve your purpose. It was not available when I got the Nocto.


Hope this helps.


I went a step lower and picked up one of those $20 models.

Given that I only have the 1 very nice sonnar and it's not as heavy as an 85 1.2 I saw no need to buy a premium version

It should be here today so I'll let you know how it works out.

Best of luck with the new adapter.

If it has an internal bayonet mounting and a focusing helix it will work. No need to worry about a focusing scale or depth of field scale as you're focusing thru the lens at your working f-stop. The same applies to any focus shift you may hear of (not an issue when viewing snd focusing thru the lens.

The post war 1.5 Sonnar's optimal f-stop is between f5.6 and 8. On the NEX 7 I would not stop down below f11 on any lens due to the defraction limit set by the high resolution sensor.

Again best of luck and enjoy your new adapter and Sonnar 50mm 1:1.5 on the Nex 7.
