Hi all. I'm having a problem with a pink band at the bottom of all of my night shots. I tried to research it, and read that it'd due to an incorrect WB. If I'm using Kelvins of 3000-4000, why is this happening? Thanks!
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It's in all of my night shots and even some low light dusk shots. It's at the bottom, and I've always gotten it, not new. The last time it happened it was jet black, no light, and I still get it. It happens regardless of the lens.I was hoping for some concert photos -- from the "Pink Band" LOL
But to your issue... if it is a distinct "band" in a specific location, then the WB setting would not (should not) be a factor. If you look at some of your older night shits, is the "band" visible? Or is this something new... just happening now? Was there a unique light source behind you and possibly some light getting though the viewfinder? If you use a different lens, is the "band" still there?
oh, noooooo!Hmmmm. That's a bummer. I can't think of what it might be -- other than a sensor issue. Which of course is not good.
Yes, it's greater with long exposures, but shows up in anything low light.Can the issue be correlated with specific parameters? For example, it only shows up on exposures greater than 5 seconds?
I'll make a jpeg of a shot. It's not the newest camera, a Nikon D7100. I haven't tried LENR but I will.Hi Barbie,
Can you show us an example photo?
If these are long exposures, it could be amplifier-glow from the edge of the sensor. Is it an older camera?
Can you activate LENR (long exposure noise reduction, aka dark-frame subtraction) in the Settings?