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Powershot Pro 1


The effect of the polarizer is visible in the EVF, however it shows better on the larger LCD panel.

The minimum aperature is f8 as is the case on small digital cameras. My opinion and that of others with whom I discussed this matter is 1) it would be difficult to accuratly repeat n aperature smaller than f8 given the already small size of the aperature diaphram, and 2) since the aperature is so small, there might be some diffraction which would degrade the image.

I have had no problems with over/under exposure. I am not aware of any indicators that appear in the finder or any audible warnings. By using the three metering modes, exposure compensation, and auto-bracket along with a grey card, you should not have any problems except maybe in very low light situations. Also, there is a built-in ND filter.

Don't be afraid to ask any question here, especially on a new item like the Pro 1. There aer no dumb questions.

I like my Pro 1 - I have had it for almost 2 months now. It is an excellent piece of equipment.

Jim Slater
Powershot Pro 1
In manual mode the exposure will show up in red in the left hand side of the screen, so if you are -2 it will show.
I have taken to shooting in RAW as this gives me such a wonderful way of correcting anything (except my composition!!!)
This is a great camera and having the 28 mm lens is what I was after as the G5 which I also have, does not have it.
Thanks for the info. about a polariser and the Pro 1 EVF. I have had a look through a Pro 1 EVF and it looked a little coarse so I was not sure if the slight effects of a polariser would show up.

Regarding the restricted aperture, I suppose my occasional (rare but annoying) over exposure using the G5 is a hang-up from using an SLR which I usually leave at Tv 1/125 until there is a need for something different. The EOS 5 will display a flashing Tv or Av value in the view finder in the event of over/under exposure.

The G5 produces jpg files of ~ between 2.4 and 4 MB. What size are the Pro 1 jpg files /

Thanks again, Phil.
Thanks for your answer. Yes, the G5 does indicate over/under exposure on the monitor screen but I only use that when the camera is on a tripod, even then, with one hand free to shield the monitor, it is difficult to see in anything other than low lighting.

Do you convert your RAW images to tiff for editing in Photoshop or do you have some special software ?


The EVF on the Pro 1 is 235,000 pixels, so it will not be super sharp. It is better than other EVFs I have seen or used. I had a Sony 717, a fine 5 MP camera, but the EVF was not that great, so I found myself using the LCD panel more than the EVF.(I just sold the 717.) With the Pro 1, I use the EVF.

The Pro 1 has a lot of information available in the viewfinder, and you can shut it off when you don't want it. I am still learning the camera, so it will be a while before I get it all commited to memory.

By the way, Canon provides a bayonet filter holder with the camera. This makes filters easy to put on and take off - if Canon strats selling these holders as accessories or repl. parts, I will get four more and just leave them attached to the filters.

There is a web site - www.shortcourses.com - that has a 127 page book on the Pro 1 or about $25 USD. I will probably order one. One of the guys in my camera club bought one for his digital Rebel. I is an excellent resource.

About file size - .jpg files from the Pro 1 will be between 2 and 5 meg, depending on the amount of data in the file. RAW images are about 9 meg. Canon provides a RAW procesor with the camera. The supplied CD has a program called Zoom Browser which includes the RAW processor and aome other utilities including a remote camera control program that captures directly to the computer.

I am not sure if this is the right place for this post, but can someone tell me the advantages of the Canon s1-is over the Canon A60?

I am going on a cruise vacation and I have owned the A60 for a year. Since there will be lots of interesting things to shoot on this cruise,I was thinking of upgrading. I am also a basi point and shoot person.
Powershot Pro 1
Phillip wrote: Do you convert your RAW images to tiff for editing in Photoshop or do you have some special software ?

I open the RAW images straight into Photoshop CS and can post process the image before saving it as a PSD or TIFF file. These are in 16 bit before converting to 8 bit.
When Photoshop CS first came out it did not cater for the PRO 1 RAW files, but has since put out an update which you can download from their site.
Hope this is of some help.
Thanks for yours of June 3rd. I am very interested in the Pro 1 and will probably be buying soon. If I can control my impatience, I might hold out until near Christmas in the hopes of an update to the EVF and who knows ? a slightly bigger CCD (better still CMOS) to avoid some of the reported `Noise` and `Fringing`.

Many thanks for your help, I will keep in touch with the forum.


Your welcome. As I said, I have been using the EVF's OK - no real problems. Also I have not had any noise or fringing with the Pro 1 as some have reported.

I don't think there will be any changes in the Pro 1, most likely the changes will appear in the next model. Since they call this one the Pro1, the next one could be the Pro 2.

Hi there Pro 1 users. I have not seen any activity in this section since my last post in June. Anybody still interested in sharing info on using this camera?

I just did a firmware upgrade on the camera which corrected some minor autofocus and zoom ring problems.

I have taken about 1500 images so far and the results are great. My camera club went on a couple of outings and I shot a lot of good stuff. One tends to take more phjotoshen shooting digital, so it isa good idea to use 1 gig cards.

I found that when using a tripod the external LCD panel is the way to go.

Anyone have any comments or suggestions on using the Pro 1?
