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Problems at GetDPI? / times out/ shutting down?



I mentioned in my last announcement, that at GetDPI was a discussion how to move forward. Worst case to shut it down.

Today I get an error when trying to reach them.

Does anybody know what is happening there? Will they be closed?

It would be a nightmare for all the accumulated content and the community, GetDPI will be deleted just like POTN and the others. I hope that there is still a backup of the database, no matter how old it is.

If someone is also member of GetDPI, please forward this information to Olaf and/or other GetDPI members:

If Olaf does not want to run GetDPI anymore, I am interested to take it over. Either with the name GetDPI as a stand alone community as before or by importing all content and the users with names, passwords and content into DPRF, depending on what the GetDPI community would prefer. I would need to ask them then first.

I could do both ways technically within 24-48 hours if Olaf agrees to it, so the users do not panic because GetDPI is not reachable.

I have no contact details of Olaf or other members there. In case you have some contact possibilities to other GetDPI members or Olaf outside the GetDPI-forum-PM-system (maybe over dpreview?), please spread this information to them.

Fear not - or hope not :rolleyes: - it happened more than once before and every time after a couple of days, without explanation btw, the site was back up again.
Just a little patience ...

After all the closings in 2023, I am a little bit sensitive for long lasting time outs. I think that is understandable.

it happened more than once before and every time after a couple of days, without explanation btw, the site was back up again.

After a couple of days????

More than once????

Without explanation????

That is very strange. I am sure Olaf should be able to contact a handful users or moderators to inform everybody what is going on while the site is down.

But if this is "normal", let's wait and see. At the moment I can not do more than what I have done already anyway. Offering a communication channel.

Good to see that some GetDPI members are here too, so in the worst case scenario, we are able to communicate here and exchange ideas about a solution.

If one of you hear something new, please post it here so the others benefit from it too.
After all the closings in 2023, I am a little bit sensitive for long lasting time outs. I think that is understandable.

After a couple of days????

More than once????

Without explanation????

That is very strange. I am sure Olaf should be able to contact a handful users or moderators to inform everybody what is going on while the site is down.

But if this is "normal", let's wait and see. At the moment I can not do more than what I have done already anyway. Offering a communication channel.

Good to see that some GetDPI members are here too, so in the worst case scenario, we are able to communicate here and exchange ideas about a solution.

If one of you hear something new, please post it here so the others benefit from it too.
I’m sure the GetDPI staff will have the site back up by tomorrow. No panic ... :)
Hurrah ! GetDPI is back up again. Still facing some technical difficulties.