DPR Forum

Welcome to the Friendly Aisles!
DPRF is a spin-off of dpreview. We are a photography forum with people from all over the world freely sharing their knowledge and love of photography. Everybody is welcome, from beginners to the experienced professional. From smartphone to Medium Format.

DPRF is a community for everybody, every brand and every sensor format. Digital and film.
Enjoy this modern, easy to use software. Look also at our Reviews & Gallery!

SD1 Merrill on Easter 2023


(It's somewhat ridiculous limiting the filesize in a photographic forum to 4 MB and – if I am right – malfunctioning embedding of larger pictures. For me it's like opening a tracktor repair shop, but limiting the weight of any machine to 20 kg.)

Hello out there!
First, I would like to introduce myself as it should be every time you enter a crowded elevator. My name is Johannes and I come across like many others from DPReview. A tremendous process, to sacrifice such a cultural institution to capitalist calculations. I've been with the Sigma Forum since about 2003, and "stopped" with my good old SD1M, the last 1:1:1 Foveon sensor, buying further Sigma cameras. Many people like me are now waiting to see if Sigma and Xamaki-san will be able to pull off an FFF. I hope so.

As people at DPR got impatient about the delay of a FFF and focused on blatantly pointing out the bad qualities and shortcomings of the Foveon sensors, other people like me have focused on posting expressive images or those, that capture the specifics (color rendering, resolution) of the foveon. In the past, I was happy to do a whole series of exhibitions with my photographic art and my pictures. I have always used my Sigmas also for commercial purposes resp. earning money. And I am convinced that we have a very extraordinary, unique piece of technology.

Here in Europe it is springtime and nature seems to explode with colors and green leafes. A feast for the eyes:

A vine plant freshly prepared for the new year. In contrast to German winegrowers, Alsatian winegrowers leave 2 bows on the stick. Often in the shape of a heart.

With this picture I unfortunately have to ask my wife first how many different types of plants can be seen. The best thing is to write Latin straight away. Recorded "quite normal" in a forest.

Also in spring, a black and white impression can be expressive. The forest just echoed with the chirping of the many birds. In France, the beginning of a hike is often well signposted, later it is better to have a detailed map or a good GPS map with you.

This is a particularly impressive place for me. In the original resolution of the picture you can see the contents of the small box on the tree at the right side: A tiny Pietà, as is often found in Catholic areas. They are often brought there out of gratitude for an accident that ended up being unscathed, or as a religious accompaniment on our way.

Greetings from Germany border!
Stay peaceful and tolerant.
Hello Johannes. Interesting display of the Alsatian spring.
Regarding the limitation, keep in mind that it is 4 MB not 4 MP and a JPG of 4 MB at 80% or less goes a long way.
Hello Josep, many thanks for your reaction and advice!

As for my point of view, I am convinced that "pixel peeping" is ultimately only worthwhile on images from the Foveon sensors at all. Because everything else is the product of smearing 4 color sites together. But in order to "pixel-peep" Foveon images, I need their original resolution, otherwise it's useless. The images easily have 25 MB.

The forum admin should urgently improve this, otherwise it is neither fun nor useful.

Best regards!
Hello Josep, many thanks for your reaction and advice!

As for my point of view, I am convinced that "pixel peeping" is ultimately only worthwhile on images from the Foveon sensors at all. Because everything else is the product of smearing 4 color sites together. But in order to "pixel-peep" Foveon images, I need their original resolution, otherwise it's useless. The images easily have 25 MB.

The forum admin should urgently improve this, otherwise it is neither fun nor useful.

Best regards!
I don't want to convince you of anything, but personally I think that a 4MB cut is more than enough to do "pixel peeping". That said, I also vote to expand the limit to 25MB or more, although I'm afraid that won't be feasible.
AT least in Germany, there are webhoster which offer 20 TB webspace, that should do for a while. But of course that's not the problem. At the moment we are enjoying – which probably not everyone notices – an ad-free website! Imagine that! So the alternative to small pictures is either advertising on the site or all participants have to dig into their pockets for a small contribution. While that would be fair, it is very detrimental to the traffic on this site because many are too stingy to do so. I have operated my own websites for many years and know, how much work and investment "just out of charity" this means.

But that theme shouldn't be discussed at that place.

AT least in Germany, there are webhoster which offer 20 TB webspace, that should do for a while.

With community forums that does not work that way.

There is a difference in renting somwhere a low cost webspace to which only a handful people have access to and having servers that are professionally supported and which can handle a lot of server load if many people access the server at the same time.

If it would be that easy as you think, every forum woud have that instantly. But DPreview was the only one, whoch alowed these insame image sized nobody really needs. This is because Amazon owns the servers and are one of gthe biggest, if not the biggest server provide worldwide.

So we should be realistic here. Even 4MB will be on the long not possible, as soon as we reach a certain size and traffic. And noone of you willbe willing to pay the price to make it technically possible.

I knwo we are all spoiled by the way DPreview did it. But we need to stop dreaming. A forum with a certain size and traffic can only survive long term, if you keep the fix costs as low as possible. That means: no individual programming, use as much as possible standard software for everything and adjust the settings for image sizes to a compromise, that you still can enjoy it without breaking the servers or have too much costs.

Bear in mind, that at least 80% of the users are visiting the forum with smartphones. For those even 250KB file size would be enough ;)
(Message to thread followers: Dirk has moved the technical discussion of "filesize" from here to the thread:
). That has been right.
