I did not mean to start out by getting involved in a big debate on the SD1. But I would suggest that you down load the Sd1 Raw files directly and view them using SPP5. Again, Carl has a set of five Raws that you can download. Look at those photos and show me the resolution shortfalls.
Now regarding the resolujtion requirements:
There are 15MP on the fron of the APS-c sensor with 1.5 aspact ratio. This means that, the number of lines along the x axis is given by,
(Nx)^2 = 15,000,000/1.5, ao that Nx = 3162 lines
When this is divided by 24mm, that's 132 lines per mm or 66 line pairs/mm
It's as simple as that. Now I am sure you know that just showing jpgs on the Web is no substitue for the real Raws, particularly when viewed on an excellent and well calibrated monitor. Please examine Carl's Raw files and bounce back.