DPR Forum

Welcome to the Friendly Aisles!
DPRF is a spin-off of dpreview. We are a photography forum with people from all over the world freely sharing their knowledge and love of photography. Everybody is welcome, from beginners to the experienced professional. From smartphone to Medium Format.

DPRF is a community for everybody, every brand and every sensor format. Digital and film.
Enjoy this modern, easy to use software. Look also at our Reviews & Gallery!

Snowy owl

Test of picture upload, reduced to under 2000 pix and about 500kB filesize (cropped and resized).


Taken with gfx100 and gf120mm. How does it look like on your monitors? On mobile phone it is OK.
My standard saving procedure is without exif.

That is a pitty because many people are interested in how you made the shot (shutterspeed, ISO, aperture, gear etc.)

With the browser-addon Exify this is then visible, if you hoover with your mouse over the image.