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This isn't like me


I like small, light primes. But, I am considering trading in my 16mm f/2.4 and 23mm f/2 for a 10-24mm f/4 OIS lens. I like to take portraits wide, and I just really like the examples I've seen out there from this lens. Does anyone have a copy? Could you share you likes and dislikes.
Hi Solomon,

I have the 10-24/4.0 first generation. I bought it at the beginning of the X-mount, because there was simply nothing else available for WA.

Image quality is very good. The F4 dies not bother me. I am not sure whether it is the right lens for portraits.

I still prefere the for this the 23/1.4 WR.

Although the 10-24 is small, it is not small enough for me for an F4 zoom for APSC.

I am still waiting for a new design of the 18mm FFL.
This helps a lot, Dirk. I'm not much of a zoom guy. My first real 35mm camera was a Mamiya-Secor, match needle, SLR with a 50mm f/1.8 lens. Through the digital revolution and scores of bodies, lenses and brands—I still gravatate back to that original form. I've grown used to automatic focus (I toy with manual, but even with focus peaking and other recent innovations manual focus just isn't the same as it was in the SLR days.
I like taking portraits of people on location using my tripod. I like composing with a touchable tilt screen. I'm thinking of making my own dark cloth. Taking portraits with a prime on a tripod takes time, subjects are impatient, but I think they may grant me some slack because I'm and oolder man using a tripod and fiddling under a dark cloth. What do you think?
I can't offer anything of use to your question... I just want to say, Hello. My first real 35mm was also a Mamiy/Sekor 1000DTL and I've gone thru many systems since, but I too gravitate to that original form. I think my Pentax K5 comes closest to that original form, but with dials -- and my memory of that old friend is long long ago....
I can't offer anything of use to your question... I just want to say, Hello. My first real 35mm was also a Mamiy/Sekor 1000DTL and I've gone thru many systems since, but I too gravitate to that original form. I think my Pentax K5 comes closest to that original form, but with dials -- and my memory of that old friend is long long ago....
It was a great first camera. Glad to know about the Pentax KS, I will look into it. Match needle was great to use. If you wanted to under expose a bit, you would just let the left of center, over expose? Same thing but to the right. Thanks, Sol
I like small, light primes. But, I am considering trading in my 16mm f/2.4 and 23mm f/2 for a 10-24mm f/4 OIS lens. I like to take portraits wide, and I just really like the examples I've seen out there from this lens. Does anyone have a copy? Could you share you likes and dislikes.

According to photographylife.com even the 16-55 does better wide open. If you want a prime, the 14mm f/2.8 looks like a better choice if you do not need the 10mm. Read the review there.