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Today with your Pentax

Yes that sounds like a crazy fall on your butt there. The Pentaxes are well built but when something that crazy happens you also need luck. If you or your camera land badly then it would be a bad outcome for one of you at the very least. Glad all seems well.
I have not posted much these past days. It was kind of flat bright light Thursday Friday so I gave it a miss. Actually maybe Thursday was all rain clouds. Today was same thing as Friday with Clouded skies where sun was. I feel like I need a break from it anyway but will try again tomorrow weather permitting. Come on sun . . show yourself.

Regards Dino26323
No tests required, and I don't intend to perform any. I tend to baby my cameras and lenses, so I was actually a lot more concerned for the camera than I was my own arse. All is good, though.

This day wewent to the vineyards (again) but both shots came from our trek through town.

Yahama by Jason Doss, on Flickr
Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-M 100mm f2.8 at f4.0, 1/60s, and ISO 100

Saalkirche by Jason Doss, on Flickr
Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-K 15mm f3.5 at f11, 1/60s, and ISO 140
You did ok in my opinion. The table tennis one is actually one of my favourites of your catch on any day, It is a fine black and white photo actually. You managed to surprise as well with it.

Good Luck tomorrow Regards Dino26323
The first one is a great shot. We all have different opinions.

FYI I shot some flower shots in the Park but I am not even going to post them. Many of yours flower pics are far better than mine that I shot today. I almost got the friendly squirrel again but he scarpered when the magpies came.

Lets see what we get tomorrow. You struggled with ideas you say but the first one is a great shot at least I like it a lot.

Regards Dino26323
After yesterday's bitching about lack of subjects, today I upload 13 images to Flickr. I took a different path through the vineyards, one I usually avoid due to a huge hill. Here's today's catch.

Pear Tree by Jason Doss, on Flickr
Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-M 50mm f1.7 at f6.7, 1/350s, and ISO 100, straightened and cropped

Thistle by Jason Doss, on Flickr
Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-M 100mm f2.8 with 26mm auto extension tube at f11, 1/250s, and ISO 400
Both great.
( My flower shots were shocking the other day so I dare not post those. )

Regards Dino26323