Well-Known Member
Hí Austin,
I am not in the habit of opening these cameras and peeking inside to find out how well they are put together.
I rely on my technician for service and repairs.
If anyone is qualified to have an opinion about these cameras I think he is after 40 years with Hasselblad of which the last 20 years as chief technician.
He claims the 203FE is a better camera because some of the problems found in the early model the 205TCC were solved in the 203FE and the later 205FCC.
I did not state the light measurement system of the 205 is not good or inferior to that of the 203FE be it 205 TCC or 205FCC that does not make a lot of difference.
203FE or 205 that is a matter of personal choice.
Both systems serve different needs and have a right of their own.
To answer your first question I did not do any testing nor do I see
the need to prove anything.
Of these three cameras the 205TCC had its fair share of problems after it was released. Those problems did not occur with the later 203FE and the 205FCC.
Many 205TCC were modified and are still going strong.
BTW I am the lucky owner of a 203FE and a 205TCC.
Both cameras have served me well during many years.
I am sure this will stay that way.
I am not in the habit of opening these cameras and peeking inside to find out how well they are put together.
I rely on my technician for service and repairs.
If anyone is qualified to have an opinion about these cameras I think he is after 40 years with Hasselblad of which the last 20 years as chief technician.
He claims the 203FE is a better camera because some of the problems found in the early model the 205TCC were solved in the 203FE and the later 205FCC.
I did not state the light measurement system of the 205 is not good or inferior to that of the 203FE be it 205 TCC or 205FCC that does not make a lot of difference.
203FE or 205 that is a matter of personal choice.
Both systems serve different needs and have a right of their own.
To answer your first question I did not do any testing nor do I see
the need to prove anything.
Of these three cameras the 205TCC had its fair share of problems after it was released. Those problems did not occur with the later 203FE and the 205FCC.
Many 205TCC were modified and are still going strong.
BTW I am the lucky owner of a 203FE and a 205TCC.
Both cameras have served me well during many years.
I am sure this will stay that way.