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WAHOO 203FE back from overseas With CFV ability now

Hí Austin,

I am not in the habit of opening these cameras and peeking inside to find out how well they are put together.

I rely on my technician for service and repairs.
If anyone is qualified to have an opinion about these cameras I think he is after 40 years with Hasselblad of which the last 20 years as chief technician.
He claims the 203FE is a better camera because some of the problems found in the early model the 205TCC were solved in the 203FE and the later 205FCC.

I did not state the light measurement system of the 205 is not good or inferior to that of the 203FE be it 205 TCC or 205FCC that does not make a lot of difference.
203FE or 205 that is a matter of personal choice.
Both systems serve different needs and have a right of their own.

To answer your first question I did not do any testing nor do I see
the need to prove anything.
Of these three cameras the 205TCC had its fair share of problems after it was released. Those problems did not occur with the later 203FE and the 205FCC.
Many 205TCC were modified and are still going strong.

BTW I am the lucky owner of a 203FE and a 205TCC.
Both cameras have served me well during many years.
I am sure this will stay that way.

Hi Paul,

> If anyone is qualified to have an opinion about these cameras I think > he is after 40 years with Hasselblad of which the last 20 years as > chief technician. > He claims the 203FE is a better camera because some of the problems > found in the early model the 205TCC were solved in the 203FE and the > later 205FCC.

Thank you for the clarification, but it still leaves me with some questions. It appears it is only the "early" (which we don't know what "early" really means) 205TCC he is referring to. Do you have any more information on that because this could mean anything from the first ten to the first year of production to anything. But, it clearly doesn't mean all, and that the later ones didn't have these problems.

Second question is, and this would be very helpful for people who are considering buying one, what were these purported problems?

The issue I had with your statement was you said "better built". That may not be the case. Something can be very well built, but have a flaw in the design, or have some components prone to early failure.

It appears we really can't claim *all* the 205TCCs are not as "well built" (as in had these problems) as the 203FE. But, I would like to see more info on this, since in the, what, fifteen years I've used a 205, I've never seen or heard of any problems with them. Except cost that is ;-)


Hi Austin,

You hit the nail on the head as we say over here.
The 205TCC had some design problems that were taken care of later.
What my technician specifically meant was the physical way the electronics were mounted in the 205 TCC was much improved later with the 203FE and the 205FCC as well.

Although there are many years between the design and production of the 2000 series and the later 200 series electronics were an unfamiliar area for many camera makers in those days.
Look at the cheap and moderate quality variable resistors used in the 2000 series, the switches they used and I think you see my point.
The 200 series were designed about two decades later.
Dutch Philips was involved to supply some custom made components.
BTW do not get your hopes too high: not all Philips designs and components are s&les of quality engineering.

In a little while more news about the maltreated and damaged 350F lens I bought 6 months ago.

I just reread your answer.
It is quite sure all 205TCC cameras have been seen to after more than 15 years of service.
Some years ago there was still a stock of new unused 205TCC cameras available.
I bought mine brandnew in 2004 from a shop that had this camera more than 12 years in stock.
My 205TCC was produced in 1992 so it is not a very early one.

Hi Paul,

What were the reported problems? Do we also know any more about when they were fixed? If you have this resource (the technician you got this info from) would you be so kind as to probe him for this info. It really would be useful to document it somewhere, like here, for people to be able to search for when considering a purchase of a 205TCC. The prices of these are quite attractive IMO, and knowing what to look for, with respect to buying one that doesn't have these (still unknown ;-) problems might be beneficial.


Hi Austin,

The problems with early cameras are not much of interest now as it is pretty sure all cameras are modified by now.

If ever you come across one with problems beware.
Parts are getting scarce so is a qualified technician who will work on these 205TCC cameras.

I have some old service docs and letters from Hasselblad that may contain answers to your question.
Only a handfull of 205TCC cameras were sold in Holland.

One of the larger dealers was visited by a sales rep who thought
this dealer would take 10 of these expensive cameras to start with.
The dealer kindly explained that he might have one client for this camera who was willing to invest 8000 USD in this body and some more in lenses to go with the 205TCC.

Hello everyone, this is 2007 calling!

I'm just about to take the plunge on a CFV back for my 203FE. It only took 9 years to reach my budget :)

I have a mix of CF and FE lenses. I'm very keen to keep the 203FE for the use of the FE lenses. I am concerned that I won't be able to have the 203FE 'modified for digital' any more.
I've tried local service agents and they had no idea what I was talking about. I tried HasselbladUSA, which now redirects to the main Hasselblad site, but they just didn't respond at all.

Does anyone know if there is anyone left who performs such a service, or am I looking at only a 500-series body working with the CFV?
Can I use my CF lenses without modification on the 203FE? When people talk (earlier in this thread) about 'C' lenses working, do they mean only the older C lenses? or C mode on the body (ie; CF lens would work on C mode on body with CFV back using the in-lens shutter?)

Anyone got any dusty CFV related tips/equipment/contacts lying around the place they'd forgotten they even had?
Any Hasselblad service contact would be a great start. Thanks.