DPR Forum

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What would you change in the successor to X100V?

No complaints, I love the camera. I guess the way to frame this in my mind is "what would make me upgrade"? Answer is...nothing. This camera will last me for as far out as I can see. That said, what would be nice to have?
  • Better AF, but that would be for all Fuji cameras.
  • Larger sensor? I guess. Not important for what I do with it.
  • IBIS? Don't need it on a small 35mm travel camera. Would take if if no extra charge and no extra size. Seems...unlikely. :D
  • More film sims are always good. But love the ones it has.
I really don't care about any of that and really appreciate what they did with this camera. Styling, tilting screen, better lens, more sims, ND filter, leaf shutter...they freaking nailed it. No wonder no one can find one.
Having used an X100s and an X100f, I would like to see the following:
- prices going back to normal (haha I know they will eventually).
- two versions of the camera one with the standard 23mm lens and another with an 18mm lens (I know there is a WCL but that adds extra bulk and removes its pocket ability).