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Which Contax System suits best to your needs


I photograph landscapes with an RTS III and Distagon 21mm. This is a killer combo where vibration is moot -- unless your tripod REALLY sucks. Of somewhat greater utility is the RTV (RealTime Vacuum) back.

If you plan to shoot telephoto then, yes, the RTS III has two helpful features: real mirror lockup, and a two-second timer. The RX II (but not RX) claims an equivalent feature, namely a two-second timer with mirror pre-release.

As for RTS III abandonment, it's my suspicion that all C/Y development is kaput. DSLRs are eating the dinner of pro film SLRs: RTS III, Nikon F5, Canon 1V -- all toast. But even if III production is ended, stocks will remain for some time. I bought a new III last month.

Tales of woe aside, I highly recommend the RTS III. It's fairly heavy, note. Here's a test scene with the 21mm, 1/1000 hand-held, f/5.6, ISO 100, 4000dpi negative scan:


WARNING! This JPEG is 22MB, or over a hour on fast dial-up. Except for white/black points, and setting color balance, this image is unadjusted. Even the original dust and scratches are retained!

CZ 50/1.4 s&le available on request.
a small correction:

the 2 second self timer on the RX II has *NO* mirror pre-release. It works exactly the same way than the 10 sec timer.

There seems to be an opposite answer in the RXII thread for the function of new RXII 2nd self timer. Can anyone with hands-on experience confirm whether it has or does not have the mirror pre-release? Thanks.
Greetings fellow G2 users. Can anyone tell me if I can use another flash unit with my G2. The flash unit that comes with my G2 seems to produce too much glare on my photos. Suggestions anyone? Thanks.
Eric -

I've been using a Vivitar flash (5200, discontinued) with their C/Y module and it talks to my G2 well enough (though it causes the display to surge a bit, unusually) -- it tells the camera when it's charging, and when it's charged it sets the shutter speed (though to 1/60th, not the sync speed of 1/200th, which is fine for me, I usually do slower sync anyway). It also has a bunch of handy-dandy compensation controls and manual settings. Check out any third-party (yashica, even) flash with a contax/yashica module. Or if you're really serious about this stuff and price/size are no object, get the TLA 360, you'll thank yourself down the road.
I have a Contax G2 with the 35/2 and 90/2.8 lenses. After using the G2 for over two months, I have come to the realization that I am getting better black and white negatives with it than with any other system I own (Nikon AF/Bronica ETRSi). This is a subjective thing, so I hesitate to ask, but... Does all Zeiss Glass produce images with the same characteristics? I would like to use an SLR system along with the G2, and I am curious if the C/Y mount lenses would produce similar negatives. Thank you for any input.


I have both the TLA 140 and 360 for my G2. The flash system on this camera is not very sophisticated, and I have also noted a tendency for overexposed, hot pictures, especially when the subject is close. The simple solution is to set the exposure compensation at negative 1-2 stops when using a flash. This will reduce output from the flash. A bit of experimentation may be needed to find the proper adjustment, but once you have done this, you should be much happier with your flash photos.

I'm in the Uk, and thinking of buying an Contax RXII new from the US - New York, in particular. Could anyone recommend good dealers to buy from?

either Adorama or B&H are honest. you will get the amount of customers service commensurate with what you pay though.