I photograph landscapes with an RTS III and Distagon 21mm. This is a killer combo where vibration is moot -- unless your tripod REALLY sucks. Of somewhat greater utility is the RTV (RealTime Vacuum) back.
If you plan to shoot telephoto then, yes, the RTS III has two helpful features: real mirror lockup, and a two-second timer. The RX II (but not RX) claims an equivalent feature, namely a two-second timer with mirror pre-release.
As for RTS III abandonment, it's my suspicion that all C/Y development is kaput. DSLRs are eating the dinner of pro film SLRs: RTS III, Nikon F5, Canon 1V -- all toast. But even if III production is ended, stocks will remain for some time. I bought a new III last month.
Tales of woe aside, I highly recommend the RTS III. It's fairly heavy, note. Here's a test scene with the 21mm, 1/1000 hand-held, f/5.6, ISO 100, 4000dpi negative scan:
WARNING! This JPEG is 22MB, or over a hour on fast dial-up. Except for white/black points, and setting color balance, this image is unadjusted. Even the original dust and scratches are retained!
CZ 50/1.4 s&le available on request.
I photograph landscapes with an RTS III and Distagon 21mm. This is a killer combo where vibration is moot -- unless your tripod REALLY sucks. Of somewhat greater utility is the RTV (RealTime Vacuum) back.
If you plan to shoot telephoto then, yes, the RTS III has two helpful features: real mirror lockup, and a two-second timer. The RX II (but not RX) claims an equivalent feature, namely a two-second timer with mirror pre-release.
As for RTS III abandonment, it's my suspicion that all C/Y development is kaput. DSLRs are eating the dinner of pro film SLRs: RTS III, Nikon F5, Canon 1V -- all toast. But even if III production is ended, stocks will remain for some time. I bought a new III last month.
Tales of woe aside, I highly recommend the RTS III. It's fairly heavy, note. Here's a test scene with the 21mm, 1/1000 hand-held, f/5.6, ISO 100, 4000dpi negative scan:
WARNING! This JPEG is 22MB, or over a hour on fast dial-up. Except for white/black points, and setting color balance, this image is unadjusted. Even the original dust and scratches are retained!
CZ 50/1.4 s&le available on request.