Well-Known Member
....there will be likely more people that think those same ones are better in colour. Thus they are not seeing the photos in the same way that i see them. Who is right ? the masses who take a vote OR the photographer that shot them. That is a good question.
....As a set black and white is far better. You cannot have some in colour and then some in black and white. It will degrade both versions.
Regards Dino26323
Thanks, I appreciate your response. As for your 2 comments above,
As long as the photographer is shooting for himself (i.e. not taking photos to please a client), then what the photographer thinks of his image is more important than what the viewers think (unless the viewer points out something and the photographer agrees) That's fair.
And, I agree that a set of images shouldn't be mixed color vs B/W unless it is for the express purpose of asking viewers which they like better. I too find mixed color and b/w in a set to be a little distracting.