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Contaxbs Alphabet Game

> >Maybe such appontment doesn't bode well, yet again(?)<<

Colin Maybe Contax doesn't want them to tell anyone. Joke! Really, I'm joking! : ))) Jeff
Colin, I must have missed something in this thread somewhere. When you say "they closed up shot... but they've re-opened" who do you mean? Can you elaborate?

And as for a company interacting with their customers, I have an ex&le that Kyocera should follow. Softpress. Softpress is the software company in England that makes my web design software, Freeway. They have their own discussion group and their people are ACTIVE on that list. Even Richard Logan the founder gets on the list at times. It is 99.5% helpful. The users have gained such a tremendous respect for Softpress due to their helpful nature and desire to see their customers succeed that we wouldn't dream of going anywhere else. There are list members who have been active since the late 1990's who now turn around and help the newbies. I was active myself that way until about a year ago, but I still peek in now and then to see how things are going and what is new. Softpress makes a point to tell everyone when they'll be out and about at Apple events, and many users have made the trek just to meet the people behind the product. The product is fabulous and the support is even better, if that is possible! Have they had bugs and problems? Now and then, but the users help them iron things out very quickly and Softpress acts on that info in a heartbeat. If Kyocera would follow that lead, they'd really get somewhere. And no, I don't think it is unreasonable at all. -Lynn
<The Contax problem is easily solved. The R&D people at Kyocera simply by a Canon EOS strip it down copy it, put it in a titanium boy and sell it as a Contax >

That is really funny as that is how Cannon got started, they took apart a Leica and borrowed a Nikon lens.

Have a Good Day

No, Lynn, not unreasonable at all. I wrote earlier about a Panasonic rep's involvement at dpreview.com.... I just remembered that a fellow from Canon is also an occasional contributor to both dpreview and robgalbraith.com, but i don't remember his name. I only remembered the Panasonic guy because he jumped in and 'announced' his presence, and actively sought feedback. The Canon 'way' has been more random and subtle. Either way, though, it's just further evidence that it can be done, and without corporate repercussion, whether the industry is photographics, computers, or software. I don't really see how the line of business is tantamount to the discussion. And, in every situation in which i've seen it at work, it's always been received as a positive PR gesture. And THAT is surely what Contax needs at the moment, perhaps above all.

But, it's rather too late for me at this point. I've just sold my N1 system, although i liked the pieces i had. And, i would consider 're-investing' in Contax, but only if the line is fleshed out to what i consider 'professional standards.' Wide-angle primes are a necessity. And, some indication, at the very least, of a digital progression/plan is another prerequisite.
> When you go to Contaxcameras.com, you are redirected to Kyocera, and when you go there, there is no trace of Contax/yashica line (only 645, etc.) Are they discontinued? someone said there is a new distributor - who is it? It's a bit frightening to me, with a lot of money invested in the line.
Two ex&les of formal participation by manufacturer reps in public forums: Kodak's Ron Baird on Usenet rec.photo.digital, Canon's Chuck Westfall on Rob Galbraith's site, And for retailer reps, B&H's Henry Posner appears everywhere.

Just as digital is causing upheavals in the Film Establishment, so is the Net causing upheavals in consumer relations: knowledge is power. With that knowledge (and falling trade barriers), I can mail-order from Hong Kong, get accessories from eBay, compare notes with a user in Finland, and get repair work done in Oberkochen. Delinquent distributors in North America can no longer stand in my way.
I have just had a look at that site and found all the cameras under the "Film Cameras" button. I was pleased to see Yashica too as I thought that the brand name had been forsaken but it is still going strong and proudly too. There is no reference to the RXII and only a brief reference to the ND (under history!). I thought that the site was pretty good and helpful with the specs of the cameras given and comparisons with other brands as well as the opportunity to download manuals. I think that it is an innovative site.
You'll find the RTSII listed alongside RTS under "Models no longer serviced."

You will also find in the history section that there is no referance to the AX as being the first AF Contax worthy of the names Contax and Zeiss. That title belongs to the N1. So all you AX users have been using an unworthy Contax!
Paul makes it sound like Contax is embarrassed to have produced the AX.

As an owner of an AX, I do think its worthy of the Contax name. It's my workhorse.

I am happy to see such passionate discussion about this topic. Always good to hit a chord with people to stir some talk.

From reading the posts, it almost sounds like Kyrocera could care less what contax users think about their product. This, I highly doubt though, profitable or not, Kyrocera owns Contax and cannot just let it die (Zeiss after all, owns the Contax name, so I assume that if Contax ever went under, Zeiss wouldn't let Kyrocera hear the end of it).