Well, I finally got it on Friday, so I'll start a thread to post observations from time to time. This is an impeccably built, highly customizable camera with an incredible amount of features described in various other places, so I'll limit my posts to what I don't like or specific comments to point things out that may not be obvious.
I changed the shutter release behavior so half-pressing locks the exposure, and the focus lock moves to the exposure lock button on the side. This works more intuitive for me. I also set it so the ISO shows up in the viewfinder instead of the # shots remaining. I find the the burst # under the compensation scale will show when you have only a few left, which is what is important while you're shooting, and you'll always know the ISO because I intend to be switching it quite often.
I need to get used to switching aperture in the wheel by the shutter, not on the lens, with exposure compensation on the back wheel. Just a matter of a bit of use.
For me a lot of the effort given to white balance is wasted - I just set it to 5500K for most shooting. I never liked auto-white-balance. But the many other options and WB adjustments are obviously a boon in the studio. Most of my shooting is travel / outdoors.
Canon missed a couple of things I believe very important in such a camera. For one the exposure mode (spot, evaluative etc.) is not displayed in the viewfinder! Dumb oversight in my opinion - there's plenty room in the viewfinder and it's not that crowded. Also switching exposure mode is almost impossible to do from the viewfinder. Through customization I dumbed down the available modes to spot and evaluative, which makes it easier to chose and makes switching quick.
- Loud, big-red-lettered neck strap - using my Contax RTS III strap
- Lens hood alignment mark on the side, not top (!?)
- The loud clicking sound made by the main dial by the shutter (!?)
- Some things got buried too deep in menus that shouldn't have - mirror lock-up (!?), card selection.
- They have a way to register a one-touch switch-to mode, but it forces you to select an aperture and exposure comp amount as well as the modes, which makes it almost useless for everyday use.
- Overall speed and responsiveness
- The autofocus - it's a snap
- The 100% image viewfinder
- The weather-resistant rugged build
- Easy-change ISO, visible in viewfinder, and great performance in high ISO
- Most button ergonomics - they made good compromises
- The high degree of customization available - some very good options to choose
- The battery charger / pack (though heavy) - it will even fully discharge before recharge if desired
There's a great multi-spot reading feature that uses a separate dedicated button to register the readings - it would've been perfect if clicking this button would automatically switch to spot mode from any other mode as an option.
Over all the camera is a joy to use, balances very well and is very comfortable to hold and use in spite of the weight (3.5 lbs. for the body, 5.5 with the 24-70 2.8).
More as we go ...
I changed the shutter release behavior so half-pressing locks the exposure, and the focus lock moves to the exposure lock button on the side. This works more intuitive for me. I also set it so the ISO shows up in the viewfinder instead of the # shots remaining. I find the the burst # under the compensation scale will show when you have only a few left, which is what is important while you're shooting, and you'll always know the ISO because I intend to be switching it quite often.
I need to get used to switching aperture in the wheel by the shutter, not on the lens, with exposure compensation on the back wheel. Just a matter of a bit of use.
For me a lot of the effort given to white balance is wasted - I just set it to 5500K for most shooting. I never liked auto-white-balance. But the many other options and WB adjustments are obviously a boon in the studio. Most of my shooting is travel / outdoors.
Canon missed a couple of things I believe very important in such a camera. For one the exposure mode (spot, evaluative etc.) is not displayed in the viewfinder! Dumb oversight in my opinion - there's plenty room in the viewfinder and it's not that crowded. Also switching exposure mode is almost impossible to do from the viewfinder. Through customization I dumbed down the available modes to spot and evaluative, which makes it easier to chose and makes switching quick.
- Loud, big-red-lettered neck strap - using my Contax RTS III strap

- Lens hood alignment mark on the side, not top (!?)
- The loud clicking sound made by the main dial by the shutter (!?)
- Some things got buried too deep in menus that shouldn't have - mirror lock-up (!?), card selection.
- They have a way to register a one-touch switch-to mode, but it forces you to select an aperture and exposure comp amount as well as the modes, which makes it almost useless for everyday use.
- Overall speed and responsiveness
- The autofocus - it's a snap
- The 100% image viewfinder
- The weather-resistant rugged build
- Easy-change ISO, visible in viewfinder, and great performance in high ISO
- Most button ergonomics - they made good compromises
- The high degree of customization available - some very good options to choose
- The battery charger / pack (though heavy) - it will even fully discharge before recharge if desired
There's a great multi-spot reading feature that uses a separate dedicated button to register the readings - it would've been perfect if clicking this button would automatically switch to spot mode from any other mode as an option.
Over all the camera is a joy to use, balances very well and is very comfortable to hold and use in spite of the weight (3.5 lbs. for the body, 5.5 with the 24-70 2.8).
More as we go ...