DPR Forum

Welcome to the Friendly Aisles!
DPRF is a spin-off of dpreview. We are a photography forum with people from all over the world freely sharing their knowledge and love of photography. Everybody is welcome, from beginners to the experienced professional. From smartphone to Medium Format.

DPRF is a community for everybody, every brand and every sensor format. Digital and film.
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DJbs EOS 1Ds Mk II Review

Nice going, Marc. Kick a guy while he's down
. Well, Irakly, you better start practicing saying "Hardy-Harr-Harr!", mate! I truly wish you a speedy recovery. I'm just getting over a stye on my left (non-shooting) eye, so I got a tiny glimpse at your situation.

Unfortunately, the CA is not post-processing - I can see it in the raw dev window and in unprocessed jpegs. Obviously it gets more obvious when you saturate the image. It's always the same type of situation, but I'm probably the only one who's fond of this type of subjects - not too many people are into back-lit twigs

I must say, Irakly, you'll give Johny Depp a run for his (considerable) money!
Rotten luck Irakly. I hope it is soon much better and you are back to your normal self.
Best wishes,

Since I couldn't post to the announcement, I'll post it here. Will we be able to upload bigger files as a subscriber, or will the limit still be 130K?


PS - can I transfer my Contax subscription?

We will leave the 400KB limit within the forum, no matter whether you donate/ subscribe or not. In the photo gallery, there have been already in the past different file sizes depending on the userlevel. Bronze has only 130 KB, Silver and Gold 500 KB.
Hi Dirk, what level am I here on the Canon forum?

If guys like DJ and Irakly are going to migrate here, I guess I should pony up for the Gold membership so I can upload 500K images in the Canon Gallery.

Also, I'll see if I can persuade a few more "Canon Friends" to start posting here.

Hey DJ, if you get the Contax to EOS adapter, you can post results on the Contax forum also : -)
Marc, I think that would be pushing it - or maybe not

For now I'm going to concentrate on native Canon lenses until I feel "like the camera is an extension of my self" - not to mention I'm pretty much flat broke. I have just enough spending money to make it through my upcoming China excursion in January. An EOS 1DsII and four lenses will put a strain on the traveler's shoulder AND bank account ...
I uploaded a few 1dsII images to the gallery. Check out the ISO 1250 flashlight-lit kids at play. Flash? We don't need no stinkin' flash ...
... I changed image sizes in the photo gallery. Thumbnails stay at 100 pixel. Medium image size will be in the future 600 pixel on the longest side, the large image size can be up to 3000 pixel on the longest side.

I hope this makes it easier to examine images at high iso settings with the new line of DSLRs
Dirk, I forgot to mention, I uploaded some of the images with the wrong category, but it says I'm not authorized to change it once it's posted. How come? Could you fix them for me please? There are a couple in People Photography that should be in Nature & Wildlife: E9C2972 and E9C2930.

