DPR Forum

Welcome to the Friendly Aisles!
DPRF is a spin-off of dpreview. We are a photography forum with people from all over the world freely sharing their knowledge and love of photography. Everybody is welcome, from beginners to the experienced professional. From smartphone to Medium Format.

DPRF is a community for everybody, every brand and every sensor format. Digital and film.
Enjoy this modern, easy to use software. Look also at our Reviews & Gallery!

Hello Pentaxians

It's been some years since I last used a Pentax DSLR - which was a KP. Before that there were several K200d's, a K-5iis, a K-S2, and a few mirrorless Pentaxes, a K-01, an original Q, and a Q7. For various reasons which made sense at the time, I parted with all of them except for my wonderful little Q7, which is my favorite insanely tiny (and definitely pocketable) take-anywhere camera of choice. (With the 01 Prime permanently affixed, btw.) But, recently, I gave in to my curiosity - and my preference for smaller camera bodies - and acquired a lightly used K-S1, which thankfully isn't exhibiting any signs of the dreaded ABF syndrome. And in spite of its relatively small footprint, it has not only the same solidity as my previous Pentaxes, but also, to my surprise, one of the nicest optical viewfinders (a real pentaprism, as opposed to the pentamirrors of my otherwise excellent former K200d's) I've ever looked through.

So... I'm back in the camp :)

  • XF35mmF2 R WR
  • 35.0 mm
  • ƒ/2.2
  • 1/50 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • 0.3
  • ISO 2500
I've got about a dozen Pentax cameras, though I've not used the film models in years & the two Optios were inherited & I'm unlikely to use them either.
Still that leaves 3 APSC DSLRs (K100d, K7 & K5ii) & a couple of tiny Q models (Q & QS1)
mounted pelepar small.jpg
  • 28.0 mm
  • ƒ/9.5
  • 1/60 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • ISO 200
Here's the Q with a 270mm equivalent lens:
Nice looking site. All the work invested in it is appreciated. Still hard to believe Amazo dumped the largest photo forum in the world.

Any other Pentax users here? I mostly use the Q, K-1, and 645Z systems. Also have LX and 67 film cameras and *ist DS, K10, K20, K7,
and K-01. The K-1 has been modified by Kolari for full spectrum.
Hello other Pentax users. By introduction, I'd have to say I am an older and newer user of the brand.

My first SLR was a Mamiya/Sekor 1000DTL followed by a Pentax Spotmatic and several Super Takumar lenses. I love photography and worked 5 years at a Commerical Pro lab, and then enjoyed a 30 year career with ilford Photo serving several positions in the Western Region U.S. During that "film" era I mostly used Canon F1 bodies with their FD lenses.

After retirement, I lost the film, and reacquired myself with Pentax, a K20 followed by K5 and KP. I primarily use the small DA primes 15 thru 70mm as I enjoy street, documentary and snapshot photography. Currently I also use a Zfc and Z6 Nikon just to try out mirrorless. I pretty much take pictures of whatever I see that interests me leading to many comments of "why did you take a picture of that?" which, of course, I have no answer for. My images serve as a sort of scrapbook of my days, which is fun for me.

Anyway, I'm glad this site has been formed and wish founders and moderators the best. Also look forward to news, conversations and debates with participants.
Dear Pentaxians, I was a Member at DPReview Forum since 2008, but never posted a word - just enjoyed your discussions and photos.

Wow, so you broke your silence-record just to introduce yourself in our forum. That is a very good sign. :z02-respekt:

Let's break the next record. Upload a photo!

:welcome-to-forum: by the way...

Here is my favourite shot I have ever taken ( at least I say that today . . chuckle .) . the odds are zilch that I can get such a shot again and anyway I no longer shoot the 400mm F5.6 manual focus lens much these days. Very special capture where deer are frightened of me so like I said . . will never happen like this again. Yes really is a slow shutter speed used !! Crazy . . I did crazy things with my K7 those days.
Hello pentax shooters enjoy my best work ever. Rare capture. Click on photo . The 18 inch print I have is sharp in middle of the deer.


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