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Leica cm

Just referring back to a minor discussion between Justin and John in early Feb.

I note with interest the comment about the Ricoh GR1 giving harsh results. I have been using a GR1 and I think Justin's point is spot on - though I'd never quite put my finger on it until now. Yes, it's a very sharp lens and with slides provides greater sharpness than my Leica C3 compact. But they are a little 2 dimensional and have less richness of colour, 'glow' or subtlety in the shadow detail - and in strong lighting (esp. backlit) the results are less then inspiring....perhaps "good but less than inspiring" summarises the results from the GR1? And at the end of the day 'inspiring' is what we are all looking for. I think I need to replace with a CM (if I can stomach the price) or a second hand Minilux.

Any thoughts on this?

Hi Adrian

I have both a GR1 and a Leica CM. I agree with Justin. In well lit scenes the GR1 produces excellent results as regards sharpness and accurate exposure, however the pictures are a bit 2 dimensional, rather harsh and have a slightly artificial look. The CM produces more natural tones and depth. In softer light the effect reduces.

I would never get rid of my GR1. It is a terrific little camera, pocketable, sturdy and affordable, hwever if I had to choose between to two I would favour the CM, partly for pictorial reasons and also the 40mm focal length suits me better. The focal length preferance is something you will have to consider if you intend to have only one or the other.

The Minilux would be a lot cheaper than a CM, I understand it has the same lens but perhaps someone else could advise on this.

The CM and Minilux share the same 40mm f2.4 lens, but the coatings have been improved on the CM.

Re. the GR1. I used to have one, but the on/off switch drove me bananas - far too easy to switch on inadvertently. It went (along with my beautiful T2) to help finance my CM.


Thanks for your comments Guys. I have just bought a Minilux on ebay and will do some comparisons before I sell my GR1. The Minilux seems to be much less expensive since being replaced by the CM (and with Digital competition).


Thanks for your comments Guys. I have just bought a Minilux on ebay and will do some comparisons before I sell my GR1. The Minilux seems to be much less expensive since being replaced by the CM (and with Digital competition).


Well i've bought the minilux on ebay for under £200 new!! - obviously reduced prices due to the arrival of the CM.

I think the photos are marvellous and everything i'd hoped for - really sharp, rich colours and strong contrast. After a few tests I think it has richer colour than my Pentax 50mm and better colour and contrast than my ricoh GR1 - the Minilux pictures sparkle and make the GR1 pics look dull, even though the resolution is very high. It just shows that resolution tests are just part of the story. I've tried a few print films (including a C41 B&W) and a roll of Velvia. I will proceed to lug it round the mountains instead of my GR1 because the extra quality. As for the 40mm lens - i think it's a good compromise.

so thanks for the advice above about the GR1 - i may not have taken the plunge otherwise.
