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Leica cm

Lovely scene & very nice gray scale and range.

Looking at the low grain of the sky, you must have used a slow film?

A few quick comments on the CM (that I have been using for 3/4 months = now).=20 Yes, the pictures are extremely clear, especially when taken within = range f5.6-11. And, yes, it is really a nice compact camera, handy and = effecient under different conditions. But given the price, that's a min. = requirement, don't you think?=20 There are unfortunately a few drawbacks (given below without any = ranking).=20 1. Even though it's a 'compact', the strap is quite boring and annoying = (having only one attach point and being made of a bad textile): if you = carry the camera around your neck you do feel it by the end of the day.=20 2. The loading of the film is not so easy, sometimes it works quickly, = sometimes it doesn't and you've got to try different lengths of the film = out of the cartrige before success. It can even be upsetting. 3. The control dial for autofocus mode/manual distance setting can be = modified too easily -without your consent...while you extract the camera = from under a jacket for instance. Then, if you want to quickly point and = shoot, 'got to be careful. 4. The viewfinder is clever but sometimes (when strong contrast, strong = light) the info is simply unreadable.=20 5. That the focus chosen is not clearly displayed (bluring of the aeras = out-of-focus) is not so nice. That's about it. You can consider them small things anyway and enjoy the = easyness of use and extreme quality of the pictures, eh!=20

Dear John & William,
I am pleased of your comments. The slide was Provia 100, exposure was corrected for the snow by +1 and 1/3 EV (i.e. overexposed vs. the metered value).
Thanks Natale. Most impressive. Have you any more pictures from your trip you could show us?
Natale, I lived in Canada's arctic for 10 years.
Photographed freely at minus 57 celsius with my Leica M and SLR. Never had problems, but neither camera was electronic. I did use an R3 in such conditions too. Again no problem
Colin, out of interest, do you remember using your M at 1000th?
I had my shutter curtain slow down and vignet at this speed in below zero temperatures.
I was also advised to have Leica's low temperature lubrication.

Thanks, William
Dear John, here enclosed are other pictures from italian ice & snow.
Thanks a lot for your interest!
William, As I am am a slow speed film freak (Kodachrome 25), it is unlikely that I used 1/1000th sec often, if at all. I did have my Leicas "Winterised" by Leitz at the time.
Leitz' cold weather lubrication is in fact "no lubrication"!!! and it is imperative to have the cameras properly lubed upon returning to warmer climes.This will prevent excessive wear and improper functioning.
Dear Natale,
Thanks for sharing those with us. It looks as though you had a great time.
Best wishes,