Regrets that I don't yet have any scans of CM-made photos. Today is my 1 week anniversary with the thing, and I've got one more shot to go to finish my "test" roll. Perhaps within the next week I'll have a few scans to upload.
Generally, it seems to be a great camera. But, there are some annoyances and what I believe to be blatant design flaws (for a $1000 USD camera). If they could be corrected, then for me this camera would be "quite nearly perfect" for the purpose. I've emailed Leica service in the USA earlier in the week to find out whether there were in fact any acknowledged "problems" that they'd correct under warranty..like a recall. No response as of yet.
I'm curious whether Mike S. has these same experiences with his CM? 1] battery door has a sloppy fitting; you can easily move it around and twist open with your finger alone. That's an accidental power supply interruption waiting to happen. 2] rubber covering on eyepiece came unglued on the left half after its first encounter with a little camera bag interior friction. 3] after the film door is closed, there's still nearly another mm of gap between left edge of the door and the mating surface on the body...and I can compress the back to "close the gap", then let off pressure to restore the gap. Sloppy. 4] finally, (and maybe this is how all such compact camera lens covers work?) but when the camera is off and the lens cover swings over the lens, it's just freely sitting there by a weak spring. I can easily swing it open...as could happen when grabbing it in haste to catch a shot, or if it were to rub up against something else in a camera bag. Also, the cover is pretty thin guage, and closest point of the glass looks to be parked probably less than a mm behind it! Thus, it's not really strong/stiff enough to protect, and preclude itself from ever contacting, the lens. (it can be deformed). It'd be nice if it where closer to at least 0.5mm thick, and sort of "locked" in place when closed/off.
These sort of things make one have to still be somewhat "careful" with the CM, which is a pity. OK, I'll get off my soapbox.

Come on Leica, I'm cheering for you; let's get this thing right all the way! You're better than that!