DPR Forum

Welcome to the Friendly Aisles!
DPRF is a spin-off of dpreview. We are a photography forum with people from all over the world freely sharing their knowledge and love of photography. Everybody is welcome, from beginners to the experienced professional. From smartphone to Medium Format.

DPRF is a community for everybody, every brand and every sensor format. Digital and film.
Enjoy this modern, easy to use software. Look also at our Reviews & Gallery!

Let's be careful here

Tedolph is a person that came in with a chip on their shoulder, daring anyone to knock it off. After reading it- "same old DPReview Troll coming over here". Dared to knock a chip off the shoulder, and someone did.
I read this on Tedolph's Introduction, his first post:

Anyway- just my opinion. I've dealt with Internet trolls for over 40 years. It is tiring. Originally- held to Email, then bulletin boards, then forums. Wahoo.
Thanks. That makes some of this more clear.

again, we do not discus this in public.

We can split hairs now for months, but it will not change anything about it.

You have to trust my experience in moderating and running forums for 20 years. I know exactly when I see a specific pattern of a user's behaviour. I do not need 1000 postings for that.

There is no reason to be afraid of something or someone in our forum. ;)

Relax and enjoy the forum. :z04-bier01:

I have about 2400 images.... And I have been trying to download the ones I really want, but the way the site is working now, the site goes into a "429" error, and shuts down to even refreshing, after downloading even a single photo, or even flipping through my gallery images. So, I only have managed to get about 10 of them over the past few days.
I faced the same error code and so, finally decided to delete everything under my Gallery there.
I am part of the low common denominator reading the DPR Beginners Forum for entertainment. Call that an unintended consequence.

Having had a teaching career as an adjunct to my main career, I am accustomed to lay persons asking simple questions that defied simple answers because the material itself (not related to photography) was complex. But the answer had to be understandable to the student, and the rest of the class, because survival in the class depended on passing the course examination. The challenge was to start with answers comprehensible to the students, then progress to increasing levels of complexity, with the objective not only to get the students through the exam, but be able to use the knowledge in the field as intended. Long before I ever hit DPR I was of the mind that this was the proper role of a teacher.

Then I found the Beginners Forum. There a typical scenario would quickly devolve to several 'experts' arguing vehemently arguing among themselves as to whose version of the answer was correct. The inevitable conclusion to these threads was a lock by the mod. But, the usual suspects never seemed to learn, because another such inquiry would arise and the same sequence of events would unfold, with the same conclusion.

But those who should have known better failed to to rise above egotism driven debates.

This was/is not the way to inform, or to teach.