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Limited edition for Contaxinfo members

Kyocera has already moved on to the 4 pixel version of this, the SL400R. Why can't they do this to an SL400R? Or is this merely a cynical way of getting rid of excess obsolete SL300R production? (that they otherwise would have had to dump on the market cheaply)

Why should the Contax version of this camera be less endowed than the current Kyocera version?

Why should I buy a Contax SL300R when there is the upgraded Kyocera SL400R available? Because they decorate it??

You might notice that the lenses in the Contax and in the Kyocera are exactly the same. Same focal length, same maximum aperture, same construction, made in the same factory on the same production line. I'm sure there MUST be some differences, right?

My point is, why don't they offer this as a CONTAX SL400R? Why waste our time with an obsolete (or at best, lower-end) model?? It's not that they can't produce the CONTAX as the SL400R. Why should we (and CONTAX) have to settle for less than they are demostrably capable of?

Is "Kyocera" now the flagship brand and technological leader, leaving "Contax" as nothing more than a name they tack on to sell additional production to "collectors"?

I look that the situation and it suggests to me that things do not look good for CONTAX. Is it really now no more than an afterthought and a secondary brand name for Kyocera? (they didn't even bother to change the model name when they made the SL300R a "CONTAX".)
Thanks for your reply, Lotus,
Interesting conjecture. I don't think Kyocera would downgrade Contax because it is a name held in such high esteem as an upmarket brand and is synonymous with Carl Zeiss lenses, even if the name is not particularly familiar to the general public. Kyocera have to hold on to the cachet which CZ gives them.
I think that I have read (but I don't know where) that the SL300R Kyocera version lens is not as good and the camera itself is not as good as the Contax version.
Presumably the strategy is to bring out the standard versions first at less expense and then follow with a better Contax version with the T* coating on the lens. Maybe there are other differences as well, I don't know but there always used to be both a Yashica and a Contax version of their products under the C/Y mount system.
Perhaps a Contax SL400R will follow. (Perhaps the SL400R is not as good as the SL300R - more pixels on the same size sensor?)
I have a feeling that Dirk does not want us to "debate" which camera will be the special one. He has probably put in some hard work into negotiating this, with cameras that are available now!

And whatever you or I feel about the mechanics/optics/electronics of the Kyocera and Contax cameras ..... the one that was chosen/got offered has CONTAX written on it. This is the Contaxinfo Forum, as Dirk has pointed out to me in the "Power of Marketing" section, and elsewhere
. (I'm sure you've seen the recent debate!)

You all probably know how I try to keep the Forum informed with Kyocera products and information, when it is connected to Contax, and as my "nickname" suggests I am fan of Kyocera products and Contax products alike. It may seem a little odd that I do not ch&ion the 4 or 5MB Kyocera products over the 3MB Contax, but it is Dirk's work that has made this "special edition" possible. There is no gun being pointed at anyone to buy this product!

There will always be a new camera with +++ pixels to the one you just bought. What maybe a "first" here, as Dirk has pointed out, is the direct cooperation between a Kyocera company and this Forum! I'm sure he is hoping, as we all are that this will be the first of more cooperations.

I have been fortunate to enjoy such cooperations when running the Contax Postal Club in the UK. (BTW even though we have an excellent relationship with KY(UK), the CPC are totally independent, in thought and finance!)

If the "special edition" camera is offered at the right price, I might be tempted to buy one even if I was not lucky enough to win one! We have already seen good reports about the camera, if you think it might suit your needs, consider having a "special" one.

Let's support Dirk on this one, in spirit, and if appropriate for you, in cash too!

Cheers, Kyocera Kid.

I think you're trying to rationalize this a bit too much. It is highly unlikely that the 4 mp sensor is "not as good" as the 3 mp sensor.

"Direct cooperation" could just be a way to shift (as I suggested before) unsold obsolete cameras without take too big a hit. Why doesn't the "direct cooperation" take place with the introduction of the CONTAX SL400R? Why toss us stuff that most likely be replaced shortly with a more advanced and more capable model?

Has anyone done a test of Kyocera SL300R with the CONTAX SL300R to compare the output? It would be interesting. Just what DO they vary in the lens to make it a "Zeiss" lens, and not a "Kyocera" lens? and with all the things about the lenses that are the same how much could it really save them to "downgrade" the Kyocera lens, and why would they do it anyway?

If CONTAX does this promotion with the SL400R, I'll buy. If not, I'll just wait. Come on CONTAX, Kyocera. Give us the best you can offer -- not studff you are going to discontinue in a few months.
Sticking to Dirk's instructions not to post anything other than logos on the logo thread, now posting on this thread. I too was a little concerned that the SL300R, I had just bought, used the 3mp and not the new 4mp chip. then I remembered how I disliked the output from my 5mp chip Finecam S5 to the extent that I have now passed it on to another family member. As is well known, size or in this case megapixel count is not everything. This is a point and shoot camera and the results print out OK up to A4 size. The picture feel is right and the noise is low. You may well find that the 4mp chip has much more noise and ultimately may not be as satisfactory. If I want a bigger print than this, I will use my G2 or RX but I cannot remember the last time I printed any larger. Wilson
Many different points have been raised:

1. AF of the Kyocera SL300R. It is basically exactly how it is described in the manual. If there are objects without enough light i.e. black table or not enough contrast or structure, the AF has problems. Sometimes it helps to turn slightly the camera and the AF snaps the point again. This is not a DSLR. Do not expect a 700USD AF system in a 400 USD camera. I do not think that other cameras in this price tag are better. Once you know how the AF works best, it is easier in these extreme situations. I have not yet had a Contax SL300R, so I can not comment on any differences.

2. Every digital camera is outdated after beeing on the market for more than 1 week. There will be always another model with - on the first view - better specs. But who cares if the former model fulfills your needs? Do you buy a computer every 2 months just because there is a new model out with a higher speed? If this is your major concern, then I can strongly advise not to buy any digital camera. You will always regret it as soon as a new model comes out.

I do not think that Kyocera will come up with a Contax SL400R and then Contax SL500R etc. I can try to get more information, but do not hope too much for it. We even have not seen a Contax TVSDII within the last 18 months. But this is only my personal opinion.

3. Experience showed, higher MP on the chip does not mean mandatory that the image quality is better. I do not say that the image quaility is better of a 3MP chip vs. 4MP on the same size. I just doubt that you will see any difference in normal use with this camera. IMO the chip is too small to see differences of 1MP. This is a P&S and shall be used as an P&S - nothing else. But the big advantage is, that it is so tiny that you really have it always with you. This is the main selling argument for me.

4. The Contax SL300R is reality. It is brand new on the market, it is available and it will come as a black model and as a limited edition. Everything else is just theory and hope.

But as someone else mentioned. Nobody is forced to buy one. There are only 300 minus one for the logo-competition winner available. It will be handled on a first come, first serve basis as soon as we have the purchase link online.