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Minolta Dual Scan III


New Member
Does anyone here have a dual scan III? I'm interested in getting one, but I have lots of black and white tri-x (not C-41) negatives and I have heard that this scanner might not be good for non C-41 B&W film. Any advice? Thanks!
> Jonathan Buttry (Nny462) wrote:

> Does anyone here have a dual scan III? I'm interested in getting one, but I have lots of black and white tri-x (not C-41) negatives and I have heard that this scanner might not be good for non C-41 B&W film. Any advice? Thanks!


Peter Blaise writes:

It's the other way around. SInce true black and white film uses clumps of silver, expensive scanners that incorporate ASF Digital ICE which uses an infrared light to identify dust and scratches, well, the clumps of silver also look like opaque junk to be removes, and so ASF Digital ICE makes a mess of such scans of black and white film ... so, people with those expensive scanners just have to turn off that expensive feature when scanning their black and white film.

Since the Minolta Dimage Scan Dual III (~US$300) does not have an infrared channel, it's less expensive, and therefor a perfect match for scanning black and white film.

However, you have to decide if 2,820 dpi is appropriate for you, or if you need or want the additional resolution and enlargement capability of the Minolta Dimage Scan Elite 5400 (~US$900) 5,400 dpi scanner.

Both are perfectly capable of honestly and accurately delivering all their features and benefits using the film you mention. You have to decide if either is appropriate for you.


Love and hugs,

Peter Blaise Monahon

Minolta Vivitar Tamron Fujifilm Ilford Kodak Adobe Hewlett Packard et cetera Photographer


PS - You can read the archives below and discuss this further with others who have been there, done that for additional insights, and report back here what you decide:


I havr a scan dual III and I just could scan about 10 negatives and now it is not working!!! I am sending it to minolta?? I could not try it with b&W film but with color it makes a good job. If you only are going to be able to sacan 10 pics so i thing a canon o nikon a better choice...
Thanks for the info! I think 2,820 dpi should be okay, I won't be going larger than 8x10. Does that sound right? I'm planning on scanning the negatives and then taking a disk to a photo lab to have them printed in either 5x7 or 8x10 format. Do you think they will come out okay at the Dual III's resolution? Thanks! - Jon
> Pedro Solórzano (Pedrosolorzano) wrote:

> I have a scan dual III and I just could scan about 10 negatives and now it is not working!!! I am sending it to minolta?? I could not try it with b&W film but with color it makes a good job. If you only are going to be able to scan 10 pics so i think a canon or nikon a better choice ...


Peter Blaise responds:

Sorry about your apparent failure.

But even Rolls Royce has a service department.

Can you tell us more - exactly how does it "not work"? Light? Noise? Software start? Error messages? Blank images?

Tell us MORE!

I also suggest that you:

(a) follow all the installation and troubleshooting tips in the owner's manual - you may resolve the problem that way.

(b) take the entire scanner, power supply, USB cable and CD to another computer and set it up - if it works, then the problem is in your PC, not in the scanner.

(c) call Minolta or the dealer you bought it from to get additional support or a swap.

Good luck, and tell us how it all turns out.

By the way, I had my Minolta Dimage Scan Dual II serviced just before the end of the warranty period, and the problem (poor and missing color, streaks) stayed - apparently software conflicts in my PC - but they updated my ROM and I'm happy! Once I rebuilt my PC, I could see how good the scanner really was!


Love and hugs,

Peter Blaise Monahon

Minolta Vivitar Tamron Fujifilm Ilford Kodak Adobe Hewlett Packard et cetera Photographer


Have just purchased a Scan dual III I am having problems with the driver install. Software installs but computer doesn't recognize the scanner. Minolta directed me to the euro site, but that only downloaded the exact same driver.
Can anyone help.
"Have just purchased a Scan dual III I am having problems with the driver install. Software installs but computer doesn't recognize the scanner. Minolta directed me to the euro site, but that only downloaded the exact same driver. Can anyone help. "

I had the same problem when I initially installed the Scan Dual III. I uninstalled the program and drivers and reinstalled them and everything has worked fine since. I'm using Win XP Pro on an Asus P4PE Board with one MB of memory. Good luck
>2,820 dpi? If a 35mm frame is 1x1.5 inches, then you have 2,820 x 4230 pixels, or 11.9286 megapixels. Good enough? Conceivably, however, your actual results will not be quite that good, because analog copying always involves some losses, some noise, etc. >

I've just purchased a Scan Dual III, and I would like some advices for scanning.
In general scanner is doing a good job with a day pictures, obviously depending resolution I've got more or less granulation.
But I have serious problems trying night pictures, or with a very poor light. Scanner is getting a completly granulated pic.
Any idea?, any specific option or set up for scanner?
Any help or experience on this matter?.