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Minolta Dual Scan III

"... night pictures, or with a very poor light ... Scanner is getting a completly granulated pic ..."


Sub-pixel gausian blur.

Grain reduction.

You're going to have to play in these realms if you want low level images (dark images) to appear noise or grain free.

asf-digital-ice-roc-gem-sho-scanner-and-software-plug-ins digital imaging plugins - charge version with free trial periods http://www.asf.com/

image-doctor-from-alien-skin-demo-and-chargable has filters for spots, scratches, JPG repair and smart fill http://www.alienskin.com/idoc/idoc_main.html

neat-image-digital-file-noise-reduction digital file noise reduction plugin - charge and free trial period http://www.neatimage.com/

polaroid-dust-and-scratch-removal-filter-free http://www.polaroid.com/service/software/poladsr/poladsr.html

http://www.powerretouche.com/Noise-filter_plugin_tutorial.htm http://www.powerretouche.com/Tutorials_pdf/Noise-filter_plugin_tutorial.pdf

more at http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=pdf+photoshop+grain+noise+reduction


Love and hugs,

Peter Blaise Monahon Minolta Vivitar Tamron Fujifilm Ilford Kodak Adobe Hewlett Packard et cetera Photographer peterblaise@yahoo.com http://groups.yahoo.com/group/minoltascandual/
And I would recommend a site by michael almond with good reviews of = grain and noise reduction tools comparison.

LINKS from http://www.michaelalmond.com/Articles/noise.htm

testingd the following 18 digital noise and grain reduction products:

ABSoft Neat Image http://www.neatimage.com/

Visual Infinity Grain Surgery www.visinf.com

Camera Bits Quantum Mechanic Pro www.camerabits.com

The Imaging Factory Noise Reduction Pro www.theimagingfactory.com

PowerRetouche Noise Corrector www.powerretouche.com

AutoFX AutoEye 2 www.autofx.com

Alien Skin Image Doctor www.alienskin.com

Digital Secrets DeNoise ISO (Action) www.digitalsecrets.net/secrets/denoiseISO.html

Digital Deluxe Toolbox (Action) www.2morrow.dk/75ppi/coolpix/actions/

E10 NR (Action) netnet.net/~llueck/NR.htm

Fred Miranda Noise Reducer ISOx (Action) www.fredmiranda.com

Media Chance DCE AutoEnhance www.mediachance.com/

Nik Multimedia DFine www.nikmultimedia.com

Fixer Labs NoiseFixer www.fixerlabs.com

Noel's dSLR Tools (Action) ncarboni.home.att.net/PhotoshopActionsForSale.html

iMAGING Concepts UltraISO (Action) mailto:feharmat@hotmail.com

SmarterNR knm.homeip.net:8081/Public/SmarterNR

PictureCode Noise Ninja www.picturecode.com

-- Click!

Love and hugs,

Peter Blaise Monahon

Minolta Vivitar Tamron Fujifilm Ilford Kodak Adobe Hewlett Packard et cetera Photographer




Have purchased Scan Dual III. Loaded software. Adobe Photoshop Elements not loaded due to Adobe screw-up on giving me a serial number for Version 2.0 when supplying the disc for Version1.0. They will give me a new serial number on Monday. Do I need Adobe loaded for the SCIII to initialize. When the SCIII is turned on, it never stops the slow blinking light. Does anyone know why it wouldn't stop blinking and go to solid green? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated since it's Saturday and I don't have a Minolta weekend tech support number.
"You can use the Minolta software to initialize and start a scan and save images to the hard drive. Though Adobe software is nice, you can use anyone's image software to go from there. Tell us how it all comes out"

I still have a problem in that the SDIII's light continues to blink (doesn't go to solid green). The manual says it's either initializing, or scanning. Since there's nothing in there, I don't know why the blinking continues. I would think it would take a few seconds/minutes at most to initialize, then turn solid green. Any ideas, or am I not understanding correctly? Thanks!!!
I bought the scanner and is satisfied with the result. what i don't like is that when scanning with the highest res, my computer always crashes after scanning only 4-5 frames.
i'm using pentium 4 2.4c Ghz, 512 MB of memory and still have lots of empty space in my hard drive. i'm sure my computer spec is enough to do the scanning. Thanks for the respond.