DPR Forum

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DPRF is a spin-off of dpreview. We are a photography forum with people from all over the world freely sharing their knowledge and love of photography. Everybody is welcome, from beginners to the experienced professional. From smartphone to Medium Format.

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New Project 52 for 2024

37/52: A friend called on Saturday and said "Hey, I'm in the neighborhood... with another friend." I said, "Come on over!" -- and they did. He drives an early 70's 246 Dino (for fun/hobby) and his friend had just bought a 1993 348 earlier in the day. So, they went out for a scenic drive together. Later in the evening, we were joined by another individual who has a 1966 330 GTC. They are all members of the local Ferrari club (old geezers like me). We had a cold beverage in the back yard, talked and laughed. When the time came to go home, they started-up all three cars simultaneously... and several neighbors came out to look and see what was happening... wondering what all the racket was about. LOL. Probably the last time I will ever see anything like this in my driveway!

two-ferraris-crop-small by J.E. Frantzen, on Flickr