Well-Known Member
You are hurting me! The gx80 is my dear, lovely, beautiful cam...
That said, I do agree with your exposure (except the gx80 part)
Me too.
I loved GX7, what a major improvement from GX1. Fantastic to have an evf of jumping in resolution (detail) and brightness, auto switching between evf & LCD, the light year ahead better Touch LCD implementation, improved JPG engine, P/S/A/M video, some other added features and the better than nothing IBIS.
I skipped GX8 because of size reason, very happy to have GX85.
So it will really depend on from which point the upgrade was made. While the improvement on GX9 has been quite material from GX7, it is more or less an incremental from GX85 IMHO.
When Tom got GX9, he can enjoy the cumulative improvements on GX85 and the newer 20Mp sensor. Naturally no point to look back at GX85.
I decided to skip GX9 and might look for GX10 or 11 if it will be released.