Hi, here is the first update. We attended the press conference of Carl Zeis yesterday at the photokina. I doubt whether a digital body for the zeiss Ikon will be available anywhere within the next 2 years.
Zeiss said, they will offer a digital body as soon as there will be a chip which is capable of utilizing the image quality of the new ZM-lenses. They doubt that this will happen soon.
The M-mount gave oter questions regarding exchangebility between M-cameras. They are 100% usable on an M-Camera. No adjustments needed like with the Konica Hexar RF lenses.
I handled a prototype of the Zeiss Ikon. Since it is a prototype take it with a grain of salt. Framing lines within the viewfinder seem to be brighter/clearer than my old M6. Handling was fine, but I am not sure whether it will be the same feeling as with an M. We will only know that once it will be in mass production.
It is a battery dependant shutter (costwise they had to use one that is available in the market already). Focussing accuracy shall be higher than with a Leica. Lens flare control, distortion, colour reproduction etc, shall also be better.
It will be available in Europe only in silver. In Japan also in black. Distribution worldwide ex-Japan is made by Hasselblad, In Japan by Cosina. Cosina is manufacturing both, the body and the lenses. I guess Carl Zeiss, as always, is managing the quality control, but have no confirmation for this yet.
All lenses are really new designed with the newest know-how of the Arri-lenses for the movie industry regarding colour reproduction, lens flare etc. They are at least on par with the Contax N-mount lenses in this respect. I guess because of the easier design for rangefinders, the image qulaity is better than for the N-system.
Zeiss was able get to up to 400lpm on a Gigabit film with these lenses. According to Zeiss no chip is currently available that can match this image quality and they doubt there will be one within the next 2 years.
The whole Zeiss-Ikon system was made with the intention to give an instrument for people who enjoy the manual focusing and certain handling with manual controls. Nevertheles it has also aperture priority to satisfy a broader target group. The first lenses will be available already end of October - Marc, this is for you
- the 85mm, 21mm and 15mm in spring next year. The body roughly in April/May.
Prices of the lenses and the body will be around 65% of the Leica equivalent (official estimate).
We will have meetings tomorrow and on Friday with Zeiss people and hope to get even more information - and hopefully are allowed to publish them