Yup, the GM1 and EM1.1 still get used quite a bit with small lenses. OM1 kit is standard. FF only for serious landscape with tripod etc.Those are spectactular!
I have to admit to using the 16MP GM5 more, right now, than the 20MP GX9, for everyday stuff. Since I got the S5, most of my "serious" shooting (if you can call it that) is being done with that system. So, the GM5 goes with me when I want small and convenient. The sensor is great in good light, and the diminutive camera puts people at ease, so it's a nice thing to have in social situations. Yeah, the GX9 is better, but it's not up to what the FF can do, esp in iffy light, soooo....
It all depends what’s important for each outing. Rather wonderful having the small kits at such low costs.