Great again and nice story information.Thanks a lot for your kind words, Dino. I am having a great time shooting every day, and I hope to turn what started as a monthly daily challenge into a 365 challenge. So far, I haven't missed a day in 2023, and I think my streak extends back to July 2022. It's kept me sane since we moved here, and given me something creative to do. Your images are also quite good and I especially like the ones with people in crosswalks. You're doing well with 300mm, a focal length I wouldn't have thought to be this good for street. I think you're brave to take photos of so many people like that... I am getting better but still nowhere near your level of courage.
If you're shooting daily or almost daily, you can check out the Daily-In Challenge at Pentax Forums which is what got me started. The group is great and supportive, and we comment on each other's images, usually at Flickr.
We went out early to do our shopping, and I got my requisite photos already so am posting early. I might add more later because we have plans to take the dog to the Rhine. I'll probably switch lenses too, but I'm not sure if I'll take both cameras or just one. Normally, I randomly select two lenses from my collection, mount one on each K-1 mII and go, but when I get time to go twice, I usually get the urge to select another set of lenses for the second trip.
Anyway, here's today's catch (so far)...
Help me ID these flowers! by Jason Doss, on Flickr
Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-K 24mm f2.8 at f11, 1/60s, and ISO 200
Door in B/W by Jason Doss, on Flickr
Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-M 40mm f2.8 Pancake at f5.6, 1/60s, and ISO 100
I never got to Sutton Park in the end but lucky you got something to look through.
Keep them coming I say. Some of your flower shots are very good indeed and kind of break some of the conventions that many seem to say are necessary for flower shots ie must be soft cloudy light. A lady i used to work with that was very interested in flower shots told me these rules that she had been told or taught at the camera club she attended. RULES ARE THERE TO BE BROKEN JASON. Anything that crushes creativity is NEGATIVE and should only be given a nod for interest only AND NOT FOLLOWED EXCLUSIVELY. The rule of thirds itself is also one to break when it is the right time to do it.
Regards to you Dino26323