Marc , I have used the N1 for almost two years now and I love every bit of it. I don't like to compare cameras by brand ever since I read "Bad photographers compare Nikon and Canon. Good photographers compare tripod legs and heads".

However, I do want to share my point of view.
The N1 is built like a tank. It feel so good and look so good which just keep you from stop shootings. It handles very well with the 24-85 and 70-300 zooms. The USM is very fast and quiet for this two lens I owned. You can manually focus without switching any button. These two lenses feel solid and heavy, but very well balance with the N1 body.
All the necessary control are on top of the camera with traditional dials. Unlike the F100, you can change your camera setting very quickly, clearly without going through the LCD panel. However, the N1 allows changing a lot of its setting view command dial. So, your eye and fingers don't need to leave the viewfinder. The some what small LCD displays all the necessary information which make any camera with larger LCD looks like toy.
One of the reason I picked the N1 is the ability to use the Contax 645 lenses. These lenses are one of the best money can offer. Up to now with the Hasselblad H1 systems, there is no other AF lenses offer such quality. I finally purchase the C645 recently. What a great camera! I can't wait to test the C645 lenses with my N1.
With the N1, you can share lenses with the N Digital. Until recently, ND is the only true full frame D SLR. The game has changed now. There are more option with the EOS1d and Kodak 14meg body. Let's see what Contax is going to do about it.
The AF is less impressive even comparing to some of my old and cheap Nikons. I learn to live with that. In fact, I set my camera in M mode. pushing the AF focus button as an AF assistance. It works very well for me and save a lot of battery power.
For the 24-85 lens you mentioned. I don't think Nikon offer this range for their higher end lenses, such as the AF-S. The only thing I feel comparable is the Nikkor 28-70 AFS. I love this AFS lens but the Carl Zeiss 24-85 has better range, sharper, and also has a very fast and quiet AF USM. Canon's 24-70 L is also a very very good lens. I personally prefer the look and feel of the massive Carl Zeiss lens. I wish the N 24-85mm has f2.8 aperture with this size and price. The Nikon and Canon offer more comprehensive system. The sharpness, contrast, and color rendition is what I love about the Carl Zeiss lenses.