Hi all...
looking for a little purchasing advice -
I'm a senior in college working on my senior photo project. I only got bit by the photo bug three years ago, but am thinking about upgrading my current Canon A-1 system.
I shoot mostly people, hand held. Occasionally I've shot telephoto from a tripod. Most of my shooting is with my nice 50 1.4 FD.
I'd be willing to throw up to 1400 dollars (US) at a new camera system, if it made sense. Minimum of a back and a fast 50.
I'm perfectly happy with manual focus and don't know if I'd even be able to use auto. I want lenses which will be visibly superior to my FD lenses on TMAX negatives, printed to 11x14 fiber. Depth of Field preview would be a requirement, as would continuous/burst shooting. Quietness is also a big factor. Reliability is a must - my A-1 is a tank that hasn't given up on me yet. I'd also like something that doesn't eat batteries - paper and film are already expensive enough. If I could use my rechargeable NiMH AA cells, it would be great.
I know thats a lot of description, but hopefully someone can see some pattern that could narrow down my options. I'd love to go Contax, but please also let me know if you think I'd be better served with a different system.
thanks in advance for your help
looking for a little purchasing advice -
I'm a senior in college working on my senior photo project. I only got bit by the photo bug three years ago, but am thinking about upgrading my current Canon A-1 system.
I shoot mostly people, hand held. Occasionally I've shot telephoto from a tripod. Most of my shooting is with my nice 50 1.4 FD.
I'd be willing to throw up to 1400 dollars (US) at a new camera system, if it made sense. Minimum of a back and a fast 50.
I'm perfectly happy with manual focus and don't know if I'd even be able to use auto. I want lenses which will be visibly superior to my FD lenses on TMAX negatives, printed to 11x14 fiber. Depth of Field preview would be a requirement, as would continuous/burst shooting. Quietness is also a big factor. Reliability is a must - my A-1 is a tank that hasn't given up on me yet. I'd also like something that doesn't eat batteries - paper and film are already expensive enough. If I could use my rechargeable NiMH AA cells, it would be great.
I know thats a lot of description, but hopefully someone can see some pattern that could narrow down my options. I'd love to go Contax, but please also let me know if you think I'd be better served with a different system.
thanks in advance for your help