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Birmingham with K7

If you are uploading so many images, it will be very hard to enjoy them. The more images you show at once, the less attention each image will get psychologically. ;)
If you are uploading so many images, it will be very hard to enjoy them. The more images you show at once, the less attention each image will get psychologically. ;)
You are right and it will end soon. It is a party or circus for the new monochrome. I don't usually shoot 100s of photos every evening after work. This is a rare disease that will pass likely when the camera is in the shops.
Don't worry. The craziness ends soon !!!
Regards Dino26323
There is a reason why we restrict image uploading to a specific maximum per posting. It does not make sense to make then 5 postings to upload even more ;)

My advise would be to make a very hard selection of the best 3 images you got on that day (I hardly get one or two keepers myself).

If you do not put this pressure on yourself with the limited number of images you select as "best" to show, you will not improve in street photography. Just my 2 cents.
I would actually prefer that you post one or two images at a time. Makes it easy in this format to comment on them. Dirk has given you some good advice.
Birmingham Today. These are today's set cut back to 5 shots.

The light was very bland when really i could have done with more sun.
I am not going to complain much about 5 shots . I realize I over stepped the mark posting so many. These were actually on K5 and used my 200mm DA* with 1.4 converter. A lot were not useable for various reasons so I had far less to whittle down as it happens. Hope you enjoy. If not just ignore. No crap tips thanks. 5 Shots is no where near enough for even today but it is what it is :geek:

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Mono seems to be working well for u Dino it seems to be well suited for street shots very nice nor sure I would be brave enough wit people staring at me
Mono seems to be working well for u Dino it seems to be well suited for street shots very nice nor sure I would be brave enough wit people staring at me

Some are better in colour but I think it is a bad idea to keep swapping over back and forth. Visually better to stick with Black and White. Here are today's 5 shots.
Same lens as yesterday 200mm F2.8 DA* onto the 1.4 converter. K5 camera. Nothing great but I like them.

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Coronation on telly tomorrow. NO PHOTOS SORRY or perhaps you are much pleased you don't have to trawl through yet more Brummy shots!

Here are 5 today. Still celebrating Pentax monochrom camera after work with Street Shots. If you hate Street Shots then ignore and go somewhere else for snack on photos.

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Thanks for looking... hope you enjoyed one of them.

Regards Dino26323
200mm onto 1.4 converter all shot wide open.
I have more . . ( sorry :cool: )
Today shots. K5 200mm F2.8 DA* plus 1.4 converter. Mostly shot wide open at F4 ( don't forget converter makes it F4 )

Hope you like something. Only waste your time looking if you don't mind Street Shots. ADVENTURE AWAITS

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Thanks for looking. ALL SHOTS Inspiration by the Pentax K3 monochrom

Regards Dino26323


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