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Birmingham with K7

I have more . . ( sorry :cool: )
Today shots. K5 200mm F2.8 DA* plus 1.4 converter. Mostly shot wide open at F4 ( don't forget converter makes it F4 )

Hope you like something. Only waste your time looking if you don't mind Street Shots. ADVENTURE AWAITS
#1 & #3 are interesting to me for some reason.
Today there are more. Celebrating the Pentax K3 monochrom camera release. These are taken today K5 and 200mm F2.8 onto the 1,4 Pentax converter.

Hope you like one. If you hate my street shots then do not even look. Thank you, These are just ordinary everyday scenes when people leave work.

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We are near the weekend so nice.

Regards Dino26323
...Hope you like one. If you hate my street shots then do not even look. Thank you, These are just ordinary everyday scenes when people leave work...
Nice. Have you ever been confronted by anyone after taking their photo?
Nice. Have you ever been confronted by anyone after taking their photo?
It has happened one time when a guy came over and was horrified and I had to delete the photos even though he was a long way in the distance !! . Most people are perfectly fine not really thinking anything either way. Some will ask me to take their photo. It is also often noticed it is Pentax. They are impressed. They have never seen one before.
Regards Dino26323
Today was a leaving drink at the PUB for a boss that was leaving. So I almost never shot anything when I left the Pub because it was 3 hours lost therefore missing all the crowds that left work that are my favourite subjects. I concentrated on trying to get an interesting Bokeh for very late evening shots. These are some of them. I kept away from drunken crowds or at least tried to.

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Hope you liked one of them. At least these are a different kind of shot light wise being much darker conditions. Hopefully they seem at least different.

More Street shots of Birmingham. All of the shots I have ever posted in this thread have a simple pre set that is meant to approximate the same kind of look ( well as close as I might get ) to the new released Pentax K3 iii monochrome camera. Red channel 33 Green channel 33 and Blue channel 34 in adobe photoshop. No colour channel fiddling around on any photo.

Hope you like something. K5 with 200mm F2.8 DA* onto 1.4 converter with every shot made at the widest open aperture.
They do not match the look that close to the new monochrom camera but are the closest I can do with a Bayer filter array in my K5 here.

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Hope you liked something and I look forward to seeing your Pentax shots this week. Spring is a beautiful time.

Kindest Regards Dino26323
Agree. I like number 3 as well. Maybe the best I've seen of all that you've presented.
It really sets off the "telephoto" impression, and the pedestrian as distinct from traffic and clutter of background. Very nice.
Agree. I like number 3 as well. Maybe the best I've seen of all that you've presented.
It really sets off the "telephoto" impression, and the pedestrian as distinct from traffic and clutter of background. Very nice.

I am actually a street addict. I have 1000s of rubbish street shots from years ago BUT I STILL ENJOY LOOKING THROUGH THEM. The potential of street photography is massive so I keep trying.
Here are some taken today. Hope some of you enjoy something. I understand some/ many people don't rate street photos. That is fine. It is not for everyone. I would need to pick the best ones from 1000s to make many people even half interested. I understand this but I like taking them and seeing them. Hope you like one of them.
In celebration of the new Ricoh K3iii monochrome camera I am shooting city shots every night that i can. Even in rain. The 200mm is a Pentax AW lens so rain is actually a very welcome situation if the light ie sunshine is still around.

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Thank you for looking. They are nothing special. They are just traffic and people leaving work in a major city in the UK.

Regards Dino26323