Leica just announced the new Leica CM Zoom. I put some differences between the CM Zoom and the Minilux Zoom together. I do not know whether this list is complete.
- I guess the coating was improved, similiar to the Leica CM new coating
- P, A and Programmshift (MLZ only P)
- time, aperture and flash in the viewfinder
- Manual Fokus aid in the viewfinder
- High eyepoint viewfinder
- Better viewfinder magnification (CMZ 0.38-0.64 vs. 0.33-0.56 MLZ)
- Viewfinder shows 85% of the image (Minilux Zoom 83%)
- Passive AF (MLZ has active AF)
- Changinge of focal lenght on the lens itself, like and M7 Zoom
- EV correction now in 1/3 steps (MLZ in 1/2 steps)
- Fastest shuttertime now 1/500s (MLZ only 1/250s)
- Flash now with LZ 14. Flash range now at ISO 100 WA til 4m, tele
til 2.5m (MLZ 3.7m and 2m)
- Selftimer 2s and 10s (MLZ only 10s)
- Measures in mm: 118x66x58 (MLZ 124x69x44)
- I guess the coating was improved, similiar to the Leica CM new coating
- P, A and Programmshift (MLZ only P)
- time, aperture and flash in the viewfinder
- Manual Fokus aid in the viewfinder
- High eyepoint viewfinder
- Better viewfinder magnification (CMZ 0.38-0.64 vs. 0.33-0.56 MLZ)
- Viewfinder shows 85% of the image (Minilux Zoom 83%)
- Passive AF (MLZ has active AF)
- Changinge of focal lenght on the lens itself, like and M7 Zoom
- EV correction now in 1/3 steps (MLZ in 1/2 steps)
- Fastest shuttertime now 1/500s (MLZ only 1/250s)
- Flash now with LZ 14. Flash range now at ISO 100 WA til 4m, tele
til 2.5m (MLZ 3.7m and 2m)
- Selftimer 2s and 10s (MLZ only 10s)
- Measures in mm: 118x66x58 (MLZ 124x69x44)