DPR Forum

Welcome to the Friendly Aisles!
DPRF is a spin-off of dpreview. We are a photography forum with people from all over the world freely sharing their knowledge and love of photography. Everybody is welcome, from beginners to the experienced professional. From smartphone to Medium Format.

DPRF is a community for everybody, every brand and every sensor format. Digital and film.
Enjoy this modern, easy to use software. Look also at our Reviews & Gallery!

Fun with MFT/ M43

Yes, the LCD is prone to degradation. Looks like it's the anti-reflective coating that detaches, and cleaning it with any kind of solvent makes it worse. It might be possible to remove this layer entirely and then apply a good screen protector to mask the rough surface, but don't take my word for it…
I have been using Panasonics for a few years now. I have nothing at all against OM. Just happened on a good deal with my first camera Panasonic G6. Every once in a while, I consider getting a FF. But, larger and more expensive lenses are not something I long for. So, I'm in for the long haul. And, I plan to visit this platform more often in the future. Happy New Years to everyone.
I am looking forward to your visits to this platform and hopefully also your images in 2024 .
Happy New Year to all M34 users . Jürgen .
Happy New Years to everyone.

Thank you and same for you.

I have nothing at all against OM. Just happened on a good deal with my first camera Panasonic G6.

Similar history with me. Many years ago I needed a very small digital camera with the ability to change lenses and all this needs to fit in the very small hotel safes while I am travelling in Asia and China. I had already fullframe DSLRs and APS-C DSLRs.

During my research, I realized that the only solution for this use case was the Panasonic Lumix GM5. So I bought a GM5 and a couple of Lumix lenses for it.

Man, I was surprised how good the image quality was already with this tiny sensor and only 16MP. So this hooked me up for the MFT system. I switched later to the GX85 and then to the GX9. I re-bought again a GM5 a couple of months ago second hand in red just for my emotional history. I just loved this camera.

I have only a few Olympus lenses (the 60 Macro and the 9-18 WA zoom). The rest is all Lumix.

I really hope that we will see in 2024 a true successor of the GX9 with a better viewfinder, better sensor (not more than 24MP please), no 4k crop in video and no black screen when connecting with an HDMI cable.


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for some reason under a different name than elsewhere

Hi epixx, if you want to, I can change your username within seconds. Just leave me a PM what the username shall be.

Good to see old members beeing active again. As far as I can see, you used to have also Sigma Foveon cameras and MFT. Good to see more people with experience in these systems. I still dream of a new "true" Foveon sensor camera in L-Mount. :love:

Happy new year!
I’m still taking pictures with my GX8. I read the forums more than post because of time limitations.