David. I have used the G1/2 system quite a bit. A few years ago, I travelled around the world with a G1 with 35 and 90mm. And recently, I travelled to Asia with G1, G2, 21, 35 and 90. It is an excellent system for travel. Small, and lightweight. Noise is not too bad, certainly quieter than an SLR. But still noticeable. I find the lack of true manual focus a pain. As well as the small viewfinder. I loved the external 21 finder! Anyway, I am now using a Contax manual SLR, and find that to be super. I also use a true Mamiya 7 rangefinder. I think that N system is the way to go for the future, but I eschew automation. If you are uncertain about the reliability of the manual cameras, get a cheaper backup, like a 137, 167 or even the RTS2 (like I have). Then you have two bodies, and a backup. If you are really concerned, get a Yashica also. The RTS2 has fully mechanical 1/50 shutter speed which is handy in a pinch. Also the B is mechanical. Best of luck!