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Which Contax System suits best to your needs

David. I have used the G1/2 system quite a bit. A few years ago, I travelled around the world with a G1 with 35 and 90mm. And recently, I travelled to Asia with G1, G2, 21, 35 and 90. It is an excellent system for travel. Small, and lightweight. Noise is not too bad, certainly quieter than an SLR. But still noticeable. I find the lack of true manual focus a pain. As well as the small viewfinder. I loved the external 21 finder! Anyway, I am now using a Contax manual SLR, and find that to be super. I also use a true Mamiya 7 rangefinder. I think that N system is the way to go for the future, but I eschew automation. If you are uncertain about the reliability of the manual cameras, get a cheaper backup, like a 137, 167 or even the RTS2 (like I have). Then you have two bodies, and a backup. If you are really concerned, get a Yashica also. The RTS2 has fully mechanical 1/50 shutter speed which is handy in a pinch. Also the B is mechanical. Best of luck!
I saw in the latest Jacobs catalogue in the UK that there is only £50 difference between the Contax NX body at £599.99 and the Aria at £549.99.
This must pose a dilemma for anyone wanting to begin a Contax system from scratch since the two systems are so different and have different attractions.
Granted that there are many MF Y/C lenses available at cheaper prices than the new autofocus ones but the new lenses are likely to be better since they are more modern and they also are auto focus, if that is what you want or if you want the convenience of autofocus occasionally.
Difficult, although I would go for the Aria since I like manual focus, if I was starting from scratch without previous Contax MF experience, I am not so sure.
I have the black G2. I was attracted to it because of it's color. The camera has become my "street machine". Unfortunately, the longest lens is 90mm. On the occasion when I need longer than that, I go back to my Nikon F100. the correct tool for the job is my motto.
Everything changes - and everything remains the same.... Okay, so I sold the N1 because it was too slow in low light... and now I'm thinking that I want to go back to manual focus and be more deliberate than rapid-firing through 8-10 frames on my F5... and while the Rollei 6008i provides buttery smooth negatives, I don't have the money to grow the system (I really wish I did, though!)
But I can get Zeiss glass in 35mm (the Contax C/Y mount) - and even the more expensive lenses are half the price (or less) of even used MF Rollei stuff. But I do love those negatives....
So here's what I'm trying to do:
I shoot mostly people or nature. Weddings occasionally, but mostly people, And my 'art' stuff for personal enjoyment is usually black and white nature and nature-inspired still lifes. The N1 was great except for the lack of high speed primes which I need primarily for DOF/selective focus. (Has anyone else noticed how slow the 50 1.4 N was to focus? Sent it to NJ and they replaced the motors but it didn't seem any faster when I got it back.)
But I'm thinking about going back to the N with the 85 1.4 and 50 1.4 - though I'm concerned about AF speed and hunting....
I think that the best solution may be the RTSIII or AX and MF CZs in 28 2.8/35 1.4, 50 1.4, 85 1.4/100 2 and then maybe the 180.... I live in a fairly small town and there is no where close that I can put my hands on any of this to try (closest camera store for Contax is 2 1/2 hours drive, 1 way).

Does anyone use a setup like this? I know that with RTSIII I'll need extensions/macro lenses.... How much closer does the AX focus in "macro mode"?

I'm also really torn about going back to N-mount since I - and many others who post here - believe that IF there is another N digital it will be in the N-mount. Why doesn't Contax just do with the C/Y mount what Leica just did with the R8/9? Now that would be heaven... and end my deliberations....

Anyway, sorry for the long post and responses are much appreciated. I have an AX demo model on hold, but have to make my decision by the first of the year.... Happy holidays to all!

If you are no longer in a hurry to focus, AX, and or RTSIII and you can manual focus.

Or, go back to N and manual focus, if you can live without, fast lenses.

I have not used an auto focus SLR that did not hunt. Cannon, Nikon, Contax. Frankly, though, under some circumstances presetting a manual focus camera can be very fast. Sometimes only manual will do.

There are lots of choices with Contax, and if and when you need speed, F5 should do.



Except for the 180mm lens, you might be able to meet your needs with a rangefinder camera, such as the G2, if you want to stick with Zeiss. Do you really need such fast glass? If so, the only consideration would be a Leica M.