DPR Forum

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DPR has removed the closing down warning

Same here. And, strangely, multiple identical notices.
Same for me too. A bazillion email notifications about old posts, many of them duplicates.
I ended up disabling the email notifications...
Download account data is still up. I wonder if that will become permanent? Closure Banner is gone.

Luckily for me, my DPR Email notification was off from a long time back.

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Download account data is still up. I wonder if that will become permanent?
I noticed that too. I had requested a download of my data when the closure was announced. I received the automatic acknowledgement of my request, but then nothing since.

I check the Nikon D500 and D90 forums once in a while. There is still activity, even new members registering.
I noticed that too. I had requested a download of my data when the closure was announced. I received the automatic acknowledgement of my request, but then nothing since.

I check the Nikon D500 and D90 forums once in a while. There is still activity, even new members registering.

Since the Closure Notice appeared, I've been requesting to Download Account Data to my provided Email. So far I've been successful in my requests. Fastest was about 1 hour. The slowest that I've noticed was about 10 Days, excluding the 7 Day (max.) period for the user to download the data from DPR. Initially, it took about 8 Days.

After the request had been made, nothing can be done until DPR replies. Then you'll have 7 days to download. All the replies goes into the Spam/Junk Folder.
I tuned out and won't be spending any more time over there, open or not.
They don't need to close now -
They got rid of their Hollywood talent.
They cut the office staff down to 2 people.
Their traffic is so low now they can run on one server.
They can afford to stay open! :)
I stopped getting DPR forum update email notices after the closing announcement, but in the last few days I've been inundated with several dozen email updates going back two months. I wonder whether DPR flipped the switch back on.
I would have been happy with several dozen. I woke up in the morning to over 4000….that’s not counting the two grand I deleted before going to bed that night!

Some of the overbearing posters there are still there only slightly less boisterous as their cronies are gone. They don't have the support system for their thread manipulating. I posted there, as soon as the announcement came out, that I never believed they would close. If you have a business, and you don't want it anymore, you sell it, pass it on or keep running it. Closing it down without a specific plan is pointless and Amazon doesn't do a lot of pointless things. Time will tell if it changes from where it is to something else. I guess it depends on why one is on a forum. If it's to argue and create dissent, one can do that anywhere - as we've seen from the rabble-rousers who left. They've just moved their turmoil elsewhere. Those who have remained are indeed less adgitated.
Some of the overbearing posters there are still there only slightly less boisterous as their cronies are gone. They don't have the support system for their thread manipulating.
Yes, I've noticed that.
If it's to argue and create dissent, one can do that anywhere - as we've seen from the rabble-rousers who left. They've just moved their turmoil elsewhere.
Yes, and it's bad enough that they've had to create a forum sub-section named 'Dumpster' for the rubbish. Next up will probably be a section named 'Dumpster Fire'.