DPR Forum

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DPRF is a spin-off of dpreview. We are a photography forum with people from all over the world freely sharing their knowledge and love of photography. Everybody is welcome, from beginners to the experienced professional. From smartphone to Medium Format.

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I found out about this site through GodsCreation's latest DPR challenge description (ID=15963, can't post links here yet). One the one hand it makes me a bit sad to see the community becoming fragmented, but maybe a bit of competition between 2 sites won't be such a bad thing, as long as it remains friendly. Currently I'm following both, and I'll see how it turns out in the long run.
I found out about this site through GodsCreation's latest DPR challenge description (ID=15963, can't post links here yet). One the one hand it makes me a bit sad to see the community becoming fragmented, but maybe a bit of competition between 2 sites won't be such a bad thing, as long as it remains friendly. Currently I'm following both, and I'll see how it turns out in the long run.
Yes same here, both have good points and bad points. Bobs site is growing and so is here. There wasn't too many members here awhile ago, so they put up with me I guess, but it's getting there after a slow start. Bobs site needs a bit more time to work things out since it's not just a std forum structure they are after.

I think the issue came in with DPR not allowing certain links and that's what Tom was saying. It needs to be fair to both sites. I know I had two posts deleted at DPR for mentioning the sites I was on by one certain moderator. That looks like it's changed thank goodness.

Anyway, it's good to be able to talk about both IMO. DPR could learn from that.

I've not been on DPR very long so don't know much about the mods. Neither do I have any history - good, bad or otherwise - with users on DPR.

I've registered for both sites and I have both up on Chrome tabs. However, for me, this site has a much better look and feel and is much easier to navigate so I'm spending more time here.
You found DPRevived to be an aggressive and negative environment?
Well ... sigh I suppose that it is the Ambulance Drivers that see all the accidents ... Moderators probably see most of the negativity sooner or later but their job is to fix it so that forums are happy places to be part of the community.

If the bad stuff does not appear to be there then we have done our job well :) But I hasten to say that dpreview has been a compelling and good place to hang out on and that aggressive conduct and negativity were minimal issues to fix.
Well ... sigh I suppose that it is the Ambulance Drivers that see all the accidents ... Moderators probably see most of the negativity sooner or later but their job is to fix it so that forums are happy places to be part of the community.

If the bad stuff does not appear to be there then we have done our job well :) But I hasten to say that dpreview has been a compelling and good place to hang out on and that aggressive conduct and negativity were minimal issues to fix.
I thought he was referring to DPRevived.com which has no moderators. Did he mean DPReview?
Definitely, Tom. And that is the reason why I immediately joined this forum when I saw you on the Mods staff, and requested my status. Our association has been one of fairness and friendship, and I want that to continue. Having 12 hours timezone coverage is a big bonus as well ;)

So, regarding the issue at hand, yes the mod in question stars with an M and ends with a 1, and I did co-moderated the Pentax SLR forum with it, although with very little interaction. This is a personal thing. I've been to the other forum, and even joined it, but don't plan to return. The aggressive and negative environment is just unbearable.
This moderator surprised me when I found that somehow he had hopped on to the M4/3 forum and adjusted something - I cannot remember what any more but it happened a couple of times. I never queried it as he was not an official moderator of this forum but simply rationalised that he must have been some super-moderator powers.

Other moderators have sometimes sent me a PM and a link to alert me to something I might have missed that needed some urgent attention.
Well as moderator I think I have been very even handed and I don't think that any of my posts could be deleted without showing some huge bias.

Why would current dpreview management care where the herd might wander after the site is closed down?

I am wondering if it is the DPRevived people behind the blocked links rather than anyone at DPReview. DPRevived might have more members right now, but DPRForum has a much better design ... IMO
I am wondering if it is the DPRevived people behind the blocked links rather than anyone at DPReview. DPRevived might have more members right now, but DPRForum has a much better design ... IMO
There is a bit of chat amongst the dpreview moderators at the moment - it was not official dpreview policy and moderators of individual fora seems to ahve developed their own method of handing posts regarding the possibly replacements for dpreview. Some forums are probably more rambunctious than others and some moderators might be a bit more heavy handed in dealing with difficult threads.
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