DPR Forum

Welcome to the Friendly Aisles!
DPRF is a spin-off of dpreview. We are a photography forum with people from all over the world freely sharing their knowledge and love of photography. Everybody is welcome, from beginners to the experienced professional. From smartphone to Medium Format.

DPRF is a community for everybody, every brand and every sensor format. Digital and film.
Enjoy this modern, easy to use software. Look also at our Reviews & Gallery!

This forum had a great start

I too have been posting more on DPR recently than here as it still seems to be alive.

That is ok, but do you use your signature for DPRF?

Because this is a vicious cycle. If you do not show the others, that they can find you here too, you will not see more traffic here.
You can not change something without changing something ;)
... why has it seen such a recent decline in participation? I thought this was a good place to camp after drp announcement to close.
I might seem like I'm sh*t stirring here, and creating my downfall, but my observations say the merger is the reason.

3 weeks up to the merger:
Average threads = 27 per day
Average messages = 186 per day

3 weeks after the merger;
Average threads = 10 per day
Average messages = 54 per day

The day before merger:
Threads = 25
Messages = 130

The day after merger:
Threads = 11
Messages = 73

I think merging a new forum with a dead forum played a big part ruining the exitement of finding this new place? Personally it did it for me.
I think merging a new forum with a dead forum played a big part ruining the exitement of finding this new place? Personally it did it for me.

That is not logic at all. Nothing changed for you. I think you are talking yourself into something, that simply does not exist ;)

We have seen even before the merger, that as soon as April 10th passed and the dpreview forum was still open, people started to hesitate on all other forums, not just at DPRF - except those who have been banned from dpreview :teufel-grinsend-schwanz:
No I don’t. I prefer that my signature endorses nothing.

That is fine with me, but how do you tell them then, where they can find you as soon as the dpreview forum is deleted or archived?

There are people that complain that activity is getting less in all other forums (not you), but they are part of the problem/ they are the reason for this problem because they suddenly post more at dpreview again than at the other forums. ;)
That is fine with me, but how do you tell them then, where they can find you as soon as the dpreview forum is deleted or archived?

There are people that complain that activity is getting less in all other forums (not you), but they are part of the problem/ they are the reason for this problem because they suddenly post more at dpreview again than at the other forums. ;)

I posted on DPR which other forums I was considering when they announced the close down. I suggested that I would most likely end up here.

But, with respect, I don't really care whether other posters on DPR, or anywhere else, can "find me". :rolleyes:
But, with respect, I don't really care whether other posters on DPR, or anywhere else, can "find me". :rolleyes:

ahhh, ok, then this was a misunderstanding. I thought the reason why you are now again more active at dpreview would be that your friends are still there and not here.
We tend to like what we know so it is difficult to turn our backs on a forum, that I for instance, have been using for 16 years. It looks like DPReview may survive, and traffic is still very high, so after ignoring it for over a month, I have returned. I do check back here every day and certainly appreciate the efforts being made.
Organising forum membership is a bit like herding cats. You cannot tell the cats what to do or how to do it. Cats like to be where they feel comfortable. At the end it is the cats themselves who make a place 'homely' and a place to go and congregate with other like-minded cats. Cats need 'loving' encouragement and will respond well to it. Cats cannot be lectured on what they must do.

There are always the lookers (lurkers) and the posters. I was and am constantly amazed when moderating dpr, which I actively do every day, at how many apparently new member posts are accompanied by an admission that this is their first post after lurking for years. Trawling through lists of membership which can be done by dpr forum moderators I am amazed at just how many not active posting members that there are. That site is truly huge.

It is always 'nice' to get polite posts but it is often the ones slightly more controversial that generate the in-depth responses. Too bland and all that might happen is 'an innocuous' like or two and that is the end of the matter. Likes are nice but they don't generate further verbal traffic on the forums. However I would be the last one to advocate disrespectful or abusive language and there is a fine line between robust exchange of opinions and downright awful.
I think merging a new forum with a dead forum played a big part ruining the exitement of finding this new place? Personally it did it for me.

That is not logic at all. Nothing changed for you. I think you are talking yourself into something, that simply does not exist ;)

We have seen even before the merger, that as soon as April 10th passed and the dpreview forum was still open, people started to hesitate on all other forums, not just at DPRF - except those who have been banned from dpreview :teufel-grinsend-schwanz:
You are right; it's not logical. But logic has nothing to do with human behaviour. Humans react, logic dictates.

I mentioned 3 weeks before merger, you mention Apr 10 which is before when I mentioned. Threads and posting was still healthy and stable for the following 31 days from Apr 10. It plummeted after the merger. Please check your logs.

When this site was born; I made regular nerdy notes of its growth to see if the forum was here to stay. :geek: I liked it here, it has friendliness I like. I'm not a massive social media player, but I am enthusiastic about photography. So, in the demise of DPR and its troubled membership, I thought I'd give this site a try. It showed promise.

I understand this thread has damaged my reputation here, but it bugged me when I seen the drop in participation and I wanted to see if others felt the same reason. Apparently not, or those that left won't see this thread to comment.

Regarding asking members to put links in their sig... we can't add active clickable links in sigs.

I'm an arse I know :p